::Schweeet Dreamin::
I've finally woke up from :hibernation: and just in time for 09. Been sleeping for a minute thus the lack of updates lol but before I head back to my :cloud nine: I'll just show a :plethora: of new stuff. Stay dreaming and stay tuned.
::when in doubt go to SLeeP ^_^:: so this is like my first year of actually going hard on the whole SLeeP ProDuctions business and I must say that the support I got from people is really uplifting . This is like my way of giving back by helping out other people promote they stuff and what they do, cuz I am a greedy person lol :). But thru here, I just wanna help anyone advertise themselves and what they be about, so people get at me. The myspace page is a start and hopefully it'll grow to a website and maybe even more, so be sure to check around for events, and ads and just memories to help all of yall to have a good night's SLeeP .::366 Days of SleeP::
2008 has been a breakthrough year for SLeeP Productions. Thanks to everyone for the support and expect big things in 09. I graduated college and got the most :Hon STeeZ: of a party. DayDreaming has just gotten real.