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About Me

Hello! I'm Ashleigh, a volunteer at Wildlife Associates. I just had to make this wonderful place a myspace so they can be more heard of across the United States. Since I'm a volunteer, I don't have ALL the answers to ALL of your questions, so I'm going to try to answer them all on this page. We also have banners you can click on to take you to the main website. So please check around, you never might learn somthing new ;)
Wildlife Associates ..
Wildlife Associates has been around for 28 years. And during those 28 years they have been featured in National Geographic, local & national news, and all over the world. Wildlife Associates travels around the Bay Area of California, providing educational programs to elementry to high schools,programs for at-risk youth, colleges and large events. Within ONE year Wildlife Associates can reach over 500,000 kids, and in 28 years of their existence, they have educated over seven million students. Their programs consist of some of the animals personal stories,and how they came to be a part of The Wildlife Associates. Their goal is to have students learn to realize the importance of caring for and protecting our wildlife, for future generations to enjoy and learn from. Once students can see that since we, the human species have the same dependence on natural systems as other species, it is clearly understood that protecting nature is protecting ourselves.
At Wildlife Associates, they take in animals that are non-releasable (they wouldn't be able to survive in the wild),many have been abused, abandoned or injured wildlife. When these animals come to them, they become Wild Teachersâ„¢. Every animal is cared for uniquely with special diets and habitat. Their animals are very happy there, and remain with them for the remainder of their lives. :)
About The Founder ..
Wildlife Associates founder and director, Steve Karlin, is a renowned environmental educator, lecturer and spokesperson who has appeared on: Larry King Live, National Geographic Explorer, Discovery, Disney and Animal Planet, also PBS, and CNN.
The Staff ..
Their experienced professional staff is what sets them apart from other organizations. The staff of college trained wildlife specialists, environmental educators and biologists are skilled instructors and presenters. They make natural science come alive in what principals, teachers and parents all agree is the most exciting and educationally sound wildlife assembly they have ever seen.
If you have anymore questions or would like to know more, please visit their main website: Main Website
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My Blog

Fun Facts!!! Check these out!!!

..>..>..> ..> Hi there! Welcome to Fun Facts! Here you can expand your learning by reading some interesting facts about some of the animals here at the Wildlife Associates. Remember to&nb...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 01:19:00 GMT

Donation Opportunities

Make a DIFFERENCE!   Program fees do not come close to covering the cost of caring for our animals and providing educational programs for the schools. Contributions from private individuals, fou...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 17:16:00 GMT