My boys,Matt, my family, my friends, movies, music, cooking, bowling,pool, reading, gardening, scrapbooking, crafts,taking walks,school, philosophy, laughter, sewing,crocheting
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Well...I have already met the man of my dreams, so...I'd like to meet new friends and old friends.
I am always on the lookout for a new friend. Someone to chat with, laugh with, even be silly with. I enjoy just about everything I have ever tried, and am always willing to do something new. I am a very deep thinker...but I know how to have fun as well. I am a very social being.
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Can u tell who my favorite band is???? LOL DMB is awesome! I like just about everything. Not huge on country, but there are a few songs by country artists I enjoy. Music is incredibly important to me. I am almost always listening to something. Almost always Dave Matthews. He is one of the greatest songwriters and lyricists of our time.
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Comedies, romantic comedies, drama, suspense...not huge on horror, mob movies, or westerns,war flicks...but there are exceptions for every rule.
House, Lost, Prison Break, American Idol, Heroes
I love Harry Potter books!!! :) I like to read Stephen King, John Grisham, or even a Harlequin every now and again.
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Matt:) My Dads :) My friends and family :)Dave Matthews (&Band)-For saying what he means, and meaning what he says...and fighting for what he feels is right! Everyone and anyone who has ever fought to bring peace and equality to the world. Everyone who has faced adversity and overcame it.Everyone who stands up for what they believe in.
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