im crazy
im the girL next door. twenty-two years young. cheerleader. scarLet and gray now but i wiLL forever bLeed green and goLd. yes, i can do a "fLippy thing". im a sucker for smooth taLkers and have a sweet tooth for candy so whisper something sweet and sLip me a kiss. im an itaLian girL with a hint oF irish so i have maFia on both sides oF the famiLy. i have more guy friends than girL friends. sometimes i like it. most peopLe hate it. i have four years perFect attendance in high schooL. yes, sometimes im a dork. i like to wear bows in my hair. my favorite hoLidays are haLLoween, st. patrickks day, and superbowL. in that order. im super picky about everything. brunettes over bLondes anyday. im a bit oF a perFectionist. i like to have my naiLs painted and i aLways wear the same ring. i do not like to share and i hate when peopLe take things without asking. i can be reaLLy seLfish. i read magazines from back to front. i wish i couLd pLay the piano. you wouLdnt know it but im the queen oF jeaLousy. im jeaLous oF everyone for at least one reason. the day i stop catching 11:11 is the day i have everything i want. im obsessed with photos, song lyrics, and time. im the kind oF girL who wiLL burst out laughing in dead siLence because oF something that happened yesterday. i love to drive my car. even to far away pLaces. so wherever you are, iLL come to you. youre worth it. pinky promise. i love to sing but im no good at it. so when the weather is decent i drive with the windows down and music up. im that crazy girL you see at a red light totaLLy jammin' out. i hate when peopLe interrupt me when im in the middLe of something. ironicaLLy i love anything random and the peopLe that come with it. i have a few good friends leFt. i love to meet new peopLe and rareLy ever turn the oFFer down.
so taLk to me > > [ freezebabi ]
liFe is crazy
sometimes i wish i was invisabLe. other times i wish i couLd stop time. but i wouLd never go back in time because i live with no regrets. [i changed my mind about that] but what happens in the past stiLL stays in the past and there is nothing you can do about it but learn. its not a matter oF what happened, its a matter oF how you deaL with it. i onLy have one regret up to this point in my liFe . [my regrets are eLbow deep] but its in the past and you shouLdnt worry about it. i dont beLieve in fate . nothing is destiny . things do not happen for a reason. they happen because you let them. its caLLed controL. i have a fear oF faLLing and a fear oF growing up. high schooL was the best thing that ever happened to me. i dont want to grow up. hopefuLLy i never wiLL. i dont want to say goodbye. hopefuLLy i never have to. i dont want to lose you. hopefuLLy it never comes down to that. i like to taLk in riddLes and metaphors. but iF you reaLLy want to know something i wiLL teLL you straight up. i like sugar but i hate to sugar coat things. im going to teLL you how it is | short & sweet | -- | plain & simple | -- | to the point | -- | nothing more & nothing missing | i have a big probLem saying what i mean. everything makes sense in my head but i can never find the right words. i love my music and i couLd never live without it. you wouLdnt understand. i dont have reasons for anything i do. so its a waste oF your breath to ask me. i find it easier to taLk to peopLe face to face. and those who understand how my mind works so i dont even have to expLain what i mean. i have a huge trust issue. i pick and choose who i open up to. i like to keep my mouth shut so im good at keeping secrets even though no one ever keeps mine. i dont trust too many peopLe. actuaLLy, i can count them on one hand. to be trusted is a far greater compLiment than to be loved. ive been backstabbed, lied to, cheated on, rumors toLd about me, and things have faLLen to peices. over and over and over. but i aLways find a reason to move on. aLL oF that stuFF, im not going to cry over. there are onLy two things in liFe who crying over: death and footbaLL. because the loss oF a loved one is tragic and there is no crying in hockey. im horribLe at giving advice and i hate getting it unLess i ask. im a good listener but i dont have the answers. it takes aLot to make me truLy angry. im horribLe at arguing and i hate being yeLLed at. i grew up with it aLL around me. i couLd never win an arguement even iF i was right. i have a siLLy sense oF humor and i dont find many things funny. so iF you make me laugh i probabLy like you. iF you make me smiLe youre probabLy my friend. iF im counting you on my hand i probabLy love you.
i like to wish things
you can caLL me a dreamer
but im not the onLy one
makes me crazy
im incredibLy indecisive about everything. ask anyone who knows me. i know what i want and what i dont want. but for some reason i aLways second guess myseLf. im just aFraid that im going to make the wrong decision and hate myseLf ladrr for it. im so aFraid oF being naïve . it took me an entire year and a haLf to choose a coLLege i knew i wanted to attend from the very beginning. i do that with every decision i make. i aLways want to know every option cuz once i choose one, i hate changing my mind. what iF i do? wouLd everything have been a waste? whatever i decide its aLL or nothing. youre either in or out, im not gonna mess around. iLL be at ohio state for a few years. no idea where that wiLL take me. i have my ups and downs, nothing is certain. i pLayed some oF my cards aLL wrong. i traded in the winning hand for a pair oF sevens. i thought id get lucky but somewhere aLong the way between the heat oF the game and bad habits i lost my concentration and things got messed up. peopLe died. the ghosts are bitches. they never go away. i never see them coming cuz they dont haunt me in my dreams, they haunt me whiLe im awake and pinch me in the middLe oF the nite. the bruises kiLL for days. rite now aLL i can do it hoLd my cards, hoLd my breath, and hope that nobody eLse is stacking the deck. so iLL make a wish, bLow a kiss, and hope it finds your cheek.
i love . . . getting maiL - * - waking up from a nitemare - * - winning by one - * - getting lost and finding my way back - * - the way you know me so weLL - * - thunderstorms in the middLe oF the nite - * - a reaLLy hot showerr - * - getting in for free - * - running into an oLd friend - * - gossiping with adam - * - knowing something that the person next to me doesnt - * - chasing the ice cream truck - * - getting first pLace in laser tag - * - when a song makes the worLd disappear - * - that adrenaLine rushh - * - laughing so hard i cry - * - getting aLL the cream on my side oF an oreo twist - * - rooting for the underdog - * - staying up to watch daylight savings time - * - faLLing victim to random acts oF kindness - * - aLmost getting caught - * - answering a caLL from someone not in my phonebook - * - singing to aLL our favorite songs - * - eating the ears oFF a chocoLate bunny - * - being loved at times when im not very loveabLe - * - puLLing an aLL-niter - * - dressing up in costume - * - finaLLy beating that leveL i pLayed 87 times - * - finding something i forgot i had - * - waking up and reaLizing i stiLL have a few hours to sLeep - * - wishing on 11:11 - * - loving you the way you are - * - waiting for the finaL words that my heart aLready knows - * -
these are a few oF my favorite things [ wishes, my ceLL phone, sidewaLk chaLk, text messages, magic, reaL friends, roLLercoasters, gLitter, jack-o-lanterns, vaniLLa, fireworks, braids, cheerleading, fLip fLops, bows in my hair, pink lemonade, history, pom poms, chewing gum, naiL poLish, bLack and white photos, high schooL, snow days, summer '04, kisses on the cheek, candycanes, cartwheeLs, highways, the rav, compLiments, sparkLe, bLackie the bear, extra credit, gameday, mittens, cLean laundry, sungLasses, smoothies, and aLmost any phrase that comes out oF rory's mouth ]
youre just jeaLous
that im stiLL a littLe girL
& you grew up