I’d like to meet Paul Walker , Josh Hartnett and Chad Michael Murray... and umm... anybody else!Some of my favorite quotes:
you’re only as strong as the tables you dance on the drinks you mix & the friends you get crunk with
if all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn’t jump with them, I’d be at the bottom to catch them
LEARN from yesterday, LIVE for today, HOPE for tomorrow
me | | without | | you is... like a sneaker without laces a nerd without braces .asentencewithoutspaces
The B E S T things in life are unseen. That’s why we close our eyes when we ::cry::kiss::and::dream:::
iT 's The dAyS wE'rE s0 cRaZy PeOpLe tHiNk We’Re ::HiGh:: tHA TiMeS wE'rE s0 b0rEd We LaUgH TiL wE ::cRy:: aLL tHA ::InSiDe J0KeS:: n tHa ::rEmEmBeR wHeNs:: tHeSe r tHa ReAs0nS We’LL ::aLwAyS bE bEsT fRiEnDs
Dance like no one is watching
IF everything is embarrassing then you’re N E V E R gonna have fun.
It Takes 3 Words. So Simple And True. 8 Letters, 1 Meaning, I Love You.
Live a little ‘cause you can’t be old and wise if you were never young and c r a z y