Well, lots to be said there... but I'll spare you the story for now, give ya a quick(er) read...I'm a person of honesty, integrity and high standards; I'm driven, ambitious and constantly trying to learn and evolve and grasp any and every positive opportunity that comes along in life. I love living as close to the edge as possible, testing the boundaries of "rules" - but tempered with common sense and intelligence.
I was born in Sydney, Cape Breton, Canada, - I am the oldest of five children, I have two brothers and two sisters, two step sisters, a step brother and a beautiful neice/goddaughter. My family is huge, so I may not get to see them often, but they are in my heart, and would do anything to in my power for them in both their time of need or joy. My close friends have become an extended part of my family and I hold them as dear.
I want to meet new people, I want to see new things, do new things, hear new things, eat new things...name it, I'm game (as long as it doesn't go against my morals or values). I want to challenge people's thinking and perceptions, and provide inspiration for growth in their lives. All the while sharing love and support to those I care about and trying to make a difference while I'm here, no matter how big or small, just hopefully often.
All the elements of who I am, factor into how I conduct my business, and whom I choose to work with. Music is my largest passion next to helping others - I began the groundwork for my Artist Management company in October 2007, after being inspired through many experiences with musician friends. I'm a grassroots operation and currently accepting requests for piecework, as at the present time, the dedicated amount of my work is for managing the David Rotundo Band, and for IndieCan Radio, contributing content as a Photographer, Radio Host / Interviewer, Journalist; as well as organizational / administrative functions. The scope of my services are broad, therefore, if there's something you're in need of, contact me with your particulars and we can discuss from there.
***website coming soon @jlmartin-mgmt.com***