for the longest time, i've tried to put as little on here about myself as possible. i'm not really sure why. this morning, i decided to shake things up. i'm finally a senior in high school and i feel nothing like i thought i would at this point. don't get me wrong, i'm so glad to be getting out of that prison. it's just..being older, i've gotten more comfortable with who i am and who i am not. i don't feel the need to run away from everyone anymore. or run away from myself. this being said, my ache for freedom, adventure, clarity, is somehow stronger now then ever. a different sweetness in life is close enough to taste.
i am irrevocably and unconditionally in love. love, by itself, is an extreme passion of mine. and it feels so good to finally be able to move with that passion in the truest of ways.
i don't really know what else i want to say right now. still, those who know me are well aware of what makes me tick. and still...strive to be happy.
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aim=maary says