Danny & Myra Grant profile picture

Danny & Myra Grant

I am here for Friends

About Me

Myra & I have bowhunted everything from Jack Rabbits to Whitetails from Ohio to Mexico. She still likes to burn powder but is coming around to "Life at Full Draw" We have taken a few good bucks in brush country all over about 142". All have been free ranging and fair chase. We are starting plans to go back to "Old - Mexico" in 2008. Myra will be shooting her trusty 7mm but I will try to get a good trophy with the bow. John is 19 and loves 4wheeling on his 2001 Nissan, cruising around on his 89 Mustang and bowhunting. He is enrolled in College this year so his time has become a valuable commodity. Daniel is 17 and loves cruising on his 2002 Tahoe. He also is a pretty savy bowhunter, but like his mother he still likes the smell of gun powder. We just got back from "Old Mexico" and we had a great hunting trip. I shot a 130 8 pointer with the bow. He had 23 5/8 inch inside spread. Myra shot an awsome 9 pointer management buck and we are looking forward to going back next year. We saw quite a few 4 1/2 yr. olds that may be just right for next year. Remember, if you shoot him when he is small he will never get big!!!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

World record Whitetail, Realtree guys, Dale Jr.

My Blog

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