~*~LanI~*~ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

WhAt is Up EvEryOnE??... WeLL mOsT oF YoU OuT DaRe KnOw WhO i Am BuT ThoSe Of yOu WhO dOnT kNoW mE bEwArE CuZ iM aLiTtLe PhYsTy N pSyChOtIk...So iF i WeRe U tIcKiN mE oFf IsNt ThE bEsT wAy 2 Go. DoNt GeT mE WrOng Im UsUaLLy A SwEeT sPoNtAnEoUs KiNd OuTgOiNg FrAnK KiNe Of GurL. pLuS I kNoW hOw To KeEp A sEcReT N i KnOw HoW tO pArTy. NaMe Is JeNnIfEr ChiNg ThAt PeEpS cALL mE jEn ChiNgY nOhElAnI n KaEdE BroUgHt To ThIs EaRtH fRoM tHe TwO bEauTiFul N gReAtEsT pArEnTs On EaRtH cYrUs N GiNa ChInG oN jAnUaRy 17 1987. Im One TrUe HaWaIiAn PhiLiPiNo ChIneSe JaPanEsE GuRl...BoRn AnD rAiSeD oN tHe BiG IsLaNd-KoNa SiDe. Now Im tEaRiN uP tHe HiLo SidE aTteNdIng Uh HiLo So BeWaRe All u PeEpS oUt ThErE cUz Im GuNnA bE LyKe OnE BaD A$$ ChEcK n BoUnCe... PeAcE OuTs... MuAh!!!

My Interests

I luv volleyball, basketball, dancin, piano, hula, and the best place ever, da beach!

I'd like to meet:

you . . .my sexy beast! growl baby . . .


Any kind except dat easy listenin stuff, dats a lil'iffy . . .


Coach Carter, Fern Gully, Unleashed, White Chicks, A Walk to Remember, Honey, Remember the Titans, You got served and Forest Gump just to name a few . . .




The Color Purple, Detour for Emmy, Da Vinci Code


My MOM! she does like everything for me, she is the best! and My tutu! she is my idol! Come on now!

My Blog


When I feel sad and blue When I turn and there's no one to talk to When I feel that the world Is unfair and cruel When it seems like no one cares When I look and there's nobody there When times...
Posted by ~*~LanI~*~ on Tue, 04 Oct 2005 12:45:00 PST

Love is blind

Girls and guys both have feelings where it can be broken due to risking their love for another. I have experienced this feeling in my past relationship, that ended in pain and heartbreak. At first,...
Posted by ~*~LanI~*~ on Tue, 04 Oct 2005 12:24:00 PST