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Recent Press in praise of the new album;
"genius from the word go...." - Alternative Press
"startlingly original and genuinely uplifting...." Drum Media Magazine
"Timeless songs.... Play it loud....." DB Weekly
Be Yourself Be Free FREE TO BE
JSK Says;FREE TO BE is the representation of coming back into light and the acknowledgement of identity and individuality and the deserving right to be YOU against all adversity.
No more "perceptions" no more "expectations" from anyone else; and that's both people on the outside looking in without knowing you & having the temerity to judge but also you believing in yourself again.
This album reflects the truth of both optimism & the clarity of love. Of both being loved and loving. Patience, perseverance and integrity.
I believe I've written a half dozen deliberate love songs - Deliberate? - Of course everything I create has love invested within it but I truly didn't see what else I could say in this context of "I Love You" that a million other voices hadn't already sung. So I purposely denied that lyric regarding love and found another way to say it.
This album is different
I conciously set about addressing the incredible force of that rare true love, no matter how brief or eternal in time and space, the kind true which creates the beautiful architecture for change and the inspiration to feel again and believe. And I didn't feel so self concious about being able to express it "that way" in song. I tell people every day that I love them, why not sing it too?
Like some of my previous work, and of which appeals to me the most, this is a work where each song & expression marries into one feeling & definition. I wrote & recorded so many songs that fit the ethic & joy of FREE TO BE I thought it might make sense to have two volumes, a Part 1 & 2, but I decided against it as I wanted the clarity of this album to be absorbed and be distinct. -Those songs not herewill be heard and they'll remain relevant as FREE TO BE is now.
This album is blessed with an experience I'll forever cherish as it represents my first collaboration with Lyndsey French who has masterfully created not only the beautiful artwork and shared concepts but whose inspiration has propelled me into a place of freedom and purpose I had forgotten and consequently made this album what it is and more than can be conveyed
Thankyou Lynz and I'll always love you.
LYNZ Says;FREE TO BE is more than a music album; it’s a representation through melody and lyric of the beauty and freedom achieved through love and all the wonders which come with it, remaining a legacy that will live on as love itself. There never need be no more loss of happiness, no more lack of light in the life that you lead, only peace, joy, certainty and faith in your own soul and the power that lies within.
This record makes unrealised dreams come true, reassures the tumultuous spirit, and allows each of us to soar free above all worlds that routinely restrain us – giving us a free pass to a world of potential that nobody but we create. In constructing artworks for this superb first collaboration with my love and best friend, I could allow my heart to ascend greater heights and dance where once it only stood. Jason, my one true love, my soul mate and best friend, thank you for sharing this incredible love with me – Your music, your lyrics and your love set me adrift in a peace never known before; I’ll love you forever....
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