YOOOO Dudes! XD updating my profile..wow man,I wrote everything as if I was proper ;) My name is Cherye (you pronounce it like Sherry)
I am 15 years old,I have long dark brown hair..kinda black,greenish hazel eyes, beauty spot on my left cheek,and i'v grown 2 inchs! haha im 5'4" now =/ darnit! lolz
I have 3 older brothers named Tristan,Kendall and Wesley and two parents.I have 2 miniature long haired chihuahuas named Katie and Lady,I have 3 miniature long haired Dachshunds named Trixi Belle,Snoop Dogg and Paula (I named her Paula before I even knew who Paula Abdul was!)
And I have two black labordors named Jesse and
Roxy (HAD...R.I.P my babies =[ xx they died of old age,diabetes and blindess),Have one bird named Pauly and 4 cats named Snow Belle,Tinkerbelle,Miss Muffet and Thomas,And my one brother has a snake and mice.
I'm going to L.A with Anita to become rockstars!! ^__^ XD
Paula replied to me on twitter! =D
Paula watch