My goal in life is to make alot of money so I can get all the girls that wouldnt talk to me in high school.
my exact opposite so I can breed with it and also mr. ben sanderson. we have the same car.a restless palmed, sad eyed gypsy darlin with a cowboy mouth and a problem with authority who has been through all of F. Scott Fitzgerald's books, is very well read, it's well known Bob Dylan. Dostoyevsky. Pynchon. Burroughs. Malcolm X. Henry V. Marlowe. Mandy Moore...
the smegmates and heavy friends.. width="425" height="350" ..Freddy Mercury, Rob Halford, Elton John, Little Richard.. width="425" height="350" ..
gravity's rainbow, lolita, herzog, absalom absalom!, naked lunch, notes from underground, invisible man, grapes of wrath, finnegans wake, leaves of grass, journey to the end of the night, pilgrim at tinker creek, walden, Emerson--transcendentalism in general, biographies, most notably malcolm lowry, james joyce and richard wright amongst many others, integral theory by ervin laszlo, the cosmic consciousness, faulkner and pynchon criticism as of now, huck finn, vonnegut, baldwin, genet, blake...just a few, no one wants to read a list of every book you like unless that person is an asshole and you are a bloated self important asshole who likes to shit on other assholes and watch those assholes bloat for other assholes hoping to spread some of that shit around like glop from the reticulated and quivering circumference of one seething mucus ring and you always got that one asshole tongue who likes to talk shit.
El Topo. Colonel Sartoris. VK Ratliff. Reverend Hightower. Roger Pedacter. Humbert Humbert. Bardamu. Darling Dainty Foot. Tyrone Slothrop and Laszlo Jamf. Mr. Tuttle. Cliff from IHOP. Beatrix Kiddo. Frank Castle. Bob Dylan. John Lennon and Juan Lenin (Jefe Soviet). The man with no name. Marv. Medgar Evers. Emmit Till. James Byrd. Thurgood Marshall. Joe Clark. Bruce Wayne. Ben Sanderson. Virginia Woolf. Hunter Thompson. Hemingway. Donny Hathaway. Michael Hutchence. Brad Noel. Shannon Hoon. Van Gogh. Heath Ledger. Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Frank Zappa. RIP.