Lord Gigantor Von Destructo-Bot 5000 profile picture

Lord Gigantor Von Destructo-Bot 5000

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

---I AM NOT FUCKING WHITE POWER---NOT RED. NOT RACIST. NOT A SKINHEAD. NOT A PEACENIK. NOT SOBER.if i bother to speak with you, then i should let you know who i am. if you bother to speak to me, i expect the same. it's best to know who you're fucking talking to, innit?i'm angry, offensive, obnoxious, hateful, horny, and correct. ------ANYONE WHO HAS QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS INVOLVING ME SHOULD BRING IT UP TO ME, DIPLOMATICALLY. ANYONE WHO DOES NOT IS A DISHONORABLE COWARD------ Faith, Folk, and Family over all. and i don't know how many fucking times i have to say it, but i mean it... HERITAGE NOT HATE.

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My Interests

i hate alot more things and people than i like.let's list a few big ones.new wave hookers, girls who dress all glam or 80's, smooth jazz, ravers, bright colors, feet, people who attempt talking to me at comic or gaming shops, ANYTHING corduroy, white onions, tomatoes, children, communists, hippies, Political Correctness, junkies, drugs, Tipper Gore, "thugs", wiggers, immigration policies, job exporting, rich people, frat boys, the typical college student, business dicks, teenage pagan-wiccan bisexual fat girls with pullover hoodies and jelly bracelets, high school, high school students, junkies, whores, "romantic comedy" movies, rocky horror dorks, people who wear trench coats and aren't detectives, finger armor, most people who play D&D or Magic(excluding myself and my friends of course), patchouli, people who only drink shit beer, people with mushroom, fairy, star, or butterfly tattoos, and so forth....i like good music, good beer, horror or sci-fi movies, serial killers, soccer-football-futbol-fussball ect.(West Ham United, River Plate Argentina, FC Basel, Swedish Nationals, etc) , playing guitar, hating things, making people feel horrible, Asatru, Odinism, my heritage, epic things, offending idiots, food, debating, history, when scumbags get arrested, a few specific people, armor making, chain maille, leather working, Tacoma, being the manliest man in existence, smashing van windows and cutting open my head, anything epic, Collin's karaoke, The Summit Pub, and a few other things.

I'd like to meet:

people who know the song "The Road to Valhalla", Ultima Thule, Mojo Nixon, Tom Jones, numerous horror related people, serial killers and mass murderers, europeans, south americans, or any especially wacky foreigners... oh, and a hot epic blooded girl. oh yeah, and if i don't already know you, i probably hate you, so keep that in mind. if you often flake out, then just fuck off now. i've had too many inconsistant people in my life already. if you're not in it 'til death, then piss off. ------------------------------------------------------------ i'd like to meet people who aren't consumed with some preconcieved, bullshit set of ideals related to whatever subcultural box you insist on fitting into. i like people who DO NOT bring their social and political views into everything, people who can have a beer with me without giving a fuck about my politics, or the politics of musicians whom i happen to listen to. people who want to have a social or political debate are welcomed, but ONLY IF YOU'RE NOT LOOKING FOR A FIGHT. if you've got labels o social rank which you ABOSULUTELY have to flaunt, then just fuck off. i'm interested in people who are themselves. be HONORABLE, PROUD, STRONG, and AWARE. UP YOUR IRONS!!!


Creedence, The Macc Lads, Tumbling Dice, The Meteors, Angry Johnny & The Killbillies, Iron Maiden, Rose Tattoo, Cobra, Ultima Thule, Vanilla Muffins, SPAZZ, Cancerslug, ManOwaR, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Anal Cunt, Cock Sparrer, Perkele, Templars, ect.psychobilly, RAC, Oi, skinhead rock, pub rock, early style punk, ramones-esque pop punk, horror rock, viking rock, power metal, black metal, traditional country, nationalist folk ballads, old style hardcore, grindcore, power violence, traditional bluegrass, 50's rockabilly, surf, spaghetti western, garage rock, celtic or european folk, odinist folk, early american folk(none of that commie woody guthrie influenced bullshit), extremely manly rock n roll...other crap. once in a while i listen to some older style rap, bad 80's music, a little older style ska, video game music, some movie soundtracks, obnoxious foreign music(especially LOUDNESS), some mod rock, garage rock, some novelty crap, really obnoxious and obscure 50's and 60's rock n roll and r&b, whatever else. no Mott The Hoople. if you're really that interested, ask me.lately i've been listening to alot of Asian, Swedish, and French Oi, and other similar things.


Blood Diner, Downfall, Deranged, Sleepaway Camp, Thou Shalt Not Kill...Except, The Fog, Assault On Precinct 13(the carpenter one of course), Motel Hell, Big Trouble In Little China, Dead Alive-Braindead, Braveheart, 16 Years Of Alcohol, Salem's Lot, Argento's Opera, Creepers, The Tingler, Timestalkers, Lifeline, The Punisher(with Dolph Lundgren), The Prophecy series, Troll, Casino, Scarface, Serpico, Maximum Overdrive, Capone's Boys, Wild Zero, Phantasm, Fright Night, Gacy(fuck off, it's hilarious), Reptilicus, Demons, Boiler Room, The Believer, The Hills Have Eyes(original), H?xan, Orgasmo, ect...basically anything involving skinheads(even though they're always inaccurate), Dario Argento, H.P. Lovecraft, Lucio Fulci, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Klaus Kinski, Bela Lugosi, Ed Wood, Vincent Price, Christopher Walken, and so forth. Mob Movies, Horror and Sci-Fi, epic movies, the like...


TV is for mongos. well, apart from the soccer matches.


The Beer Encyclopedia, High Cotton by Joe R. Lansdale, Harold Schechter books and Piers Anthony books. stuff about vikings and WWII is good too.


Mojo Nixon, Carl Panzram, and of course ManOwaR. oh, and people who do not adhere to bullshit religions that aren't their regional cultural faith. follow your ancestors, or don't follow anything. Honorable, Proud people who don't feel they have to fit into some group or little label and shit. be who you are, and be fucking proud of it.

My Blog

Agent Orange\Durango 95 show

saw Agent Orange last night with Durango 95 as local support. was a pretty good show. all sorts of weird shit was going on though. someone stole my shirt out of the corner(why? i'm not sure). a f...
Posted by Lord Gigantor Von Destructo-Bot 5000 on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 09:07:00 PST

haha, more crap, with a side of crap.

hahaha.  hooooly shit.  and i didn't figure it could get worse.  word of advice to all, trusting people is more trouble than it's worth.  serious.
Posted by Lord Gigantor Von Destructo-Bot 5000 on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 11:37:00 PST

odds say things are near the end, but it may not be so.

Monday the 20th marks the beginning of the annual Festival Of Ostara.  there won't be much of a festival in these parts, very simple things for me anyway.  i don't have the means or help for...
Posted by Lord Gigantor Von Destructo-Bot 5000 on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 12:52:00 PST


who the hell is Tom? whatever. haha, most people on this thing are douche bags, it's hilarious. i got really bored and joined. i still don't think that was a good idea though......
Posted by Lord Gigantor Von Destructo-Bot 5000 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST