DOM profile picture


About Me

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ENGLISH----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
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After about 3 – 4 years of work, musical material DOM “PROTOTYPE” has been created. The name is a result of a prototype form of the album, which in a great part has been created in home conditions. The material will be partly produced again in studio conditions. The album will be divided into: concrete music zone, meaning the home recordings, and the area of instrumental works, the prototype version of which is already prepared. Next stage of DOM’s project is creating visual, scenic elements and recording concrete music. The theme of DOM constitutes a foundation for the conception, on which the album is based, as well as for the whole artistic creation, the element of which is this album. Those creations are co-created by various artist, who are invited for cooperation. HOME is what every creature in this world possesses. Each one has the space where he/she/it feels safe. In parallel with physical space there exists another world, full of sounds, light, colors, fragrances, touches, but also thoughts, feelings, emotions and dreams. That is what the DOM project tells about.
DOM (HOME) is audiovisual project and an effect of the cooperation of SPASO (Kanal Audytywy) with a singer NATALIA GROSIAK (Mikromusic, Digit All Love), a double base player JU-GHAN (Matplaneta) and Vj SPECTRIBE (Miloopa).
SPASO - leader and producer of the project, electronics, turntables & samples.
JU-GHAN - double base.
SPECTRIBE - vj, electronic drums & samples
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Po ok 3 - 4 latach pracy powstal materjal muzyczny DOM "PROTOTYPE". Nazwa albumu wynika z prototypowej formy albumu, ktora w wiekszosci tworzona byla w warunkach domowych. Jest to materjal ktory bedzie czesciowo realizowany na nowo w warunkach studyjnych.Plyta bedzie podzielona: na sfere muzyki konkretnej, czyli nagran z mieszkan, domów, ect., oraz na sfere utworów instrumentalnych, których prototypowa wersja jest juz gotowa.Kolejnym etapem projektu DOM jest tworzenie elementow wizualnych, scenicznych oraz nagrywanie muzyki konkretnej. Temat DOMU jest podstawa koncepcji, na której oparta jest plyta i cala kreacja artystyczna, której ta plyta jest elementem. Kreacje te wspoltworza przerozni artysci zapraszani do wspolpracy.Dom ma kazde stworzenie na ziemi. Kazde ma te przestrzen, w której czuje sie najbezpieczniej. Równolegle z przestrzenia fizyczna istnieje inny swiat, pelen dzwieków, swiatla, barw, zapachów, dotyków, ale takze mysli, uczuc, emocji i marzen. Wlasnie o tym opowiada projekt DOM.
DOM to projekt audiowizualny, który wspóltworza SPASO (Kanal Audytywy), NATALIA GROSIAK (Mikromusic, Digit All Love), JU-GHAN (Matplaneta), vj SPECTRIBE (Miloopa).
SPASO - lider i producent projektu, elektronika, gramofony & sample.
JU-GHAN - kontrabas.
SPECTRIBE - vj, electronic drums & samples
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VIDEO------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
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video made by Basia Michno
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My Interests


Member Since: 17/07/2007
Band Website: SPASO.ART.PL
Record Label: Unsigned

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