The Arts Promoter was set up by Finlay Cowe and has been aimed at the local arts and trying to get them known. Not only does the site advertise your art group i.e band, dance group, theatrical group, comedy act etc but also to advertise when, where, how much and what the performence is about. My aim is not to make money (well not at the moment) but to promote the arts so that those groups have the chance to make it big. If you are interested in getting your group details up and info on performances then email me internally or on
[email protected] remember one of the key ways of getting this to work is to add your friends. This is not an ego thing but insted support for all the other groups as well as your advertising as the more friends the company has the more people will know about your group and your productions. Your support them and they will support you. Regular emails will be sent (intervals to be set on the current popularity of the business at the time) these will contain all the latest info about the groups and performances and new groups to be joining. Blogs photos quizzes and the like will all be orientate by the groups advertising.