Used to be electro-indus dj, picked up by dj h8red on one of his scouting missions. My dj style evolved from 80’s new wave over industrial to dark disco. Enjoyed spreading my personal favourites in different places (demo's on website - click image):
- Rock Otocec, Movo Mesto [Slovania]
- RazzMatazz, Barcelona [Spain]
- Maschinenfest, Aken [Germany]
- Magazine 4, Brussel [Belgium]
- Twilight World, Gent [Together with the crew]
- Decadance, Magazijn, … in Ghent
But I said goodbye to dj-ing. I lost my soul to entrepreneurship. The world is better off using my as a burning eco-minded entrepreneur than as a dj. Nevertheless, I still love to hang around with the music-friends.