drawing, sketching, scribbling, painting, stenciling, doodleing, photography, print making, basically anything art related, adicolor, paint in cans, marker pens, paste ups, london, bbq's, original trainers, customizing trainers, skiing, sheesha, spicy food, and chilling.
artists, designers, illustrators, photographers, doodlers, scribblers, anyone who has a passion for art! Anyone one else out there keeping it real!
Grime, rap, uk hiphop... but growing more open minded everyday...
leon, rise of the footsoldier, outlaw, football factory and most other nick love films, dead mans shoes, this is england, layer cake, lock stock, snatch, rollin with the nines, the 2nd batman, brown sugar, all the friday's, all the saw's, the hills have eyes, house party, wildstyle and the tigger movie!
spray can art, street logos, street sketch book and any other Tritan Manco book; most art/photography books, mr clarinet by nick stone, gangs by tony thompson.
My Great Grandad!