Rev. Scameron profile picture

Rev. Scameron

Use Once and Destroy Me...

About Me

I'm a wanderer...I roam and search, everyday and everything. there isn't anything I'm not interested in learning, finding out, or discovering...I have an insatiable desire for knowledge experiance, and Life! Something that is useless can never be truely beautiful, I live my life knowing this and remembering the leasons I've learned in life. All these beautiful forces on earth and romances to discover I will try to never be overwelmed, But my Heart Belongs to the road....and for that, I feed my wanderlust my passion. Never give in, Never justify again...

My Interests

Skateboarding, tatoo's, listing to extreemly loud music, annoying peole around and yelling shit at people whilst making a mockery of myself.hehehe. I'm a fuckin madman, because life's to fuckin retarded and short not to have the craziest mutha' fuckin' time you can!!! oh yaeh and I like preatty girls.

I'd like to meet:

anyone who dosen't totally fucking suck, or just people who aren't affraid of what really goes on out there in the real world...

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I'll Admire anything that has it's Heart and Soul poured into it. If it rocks, if it rolls, if it hips,shoots,scores or is poetry...I'll love it. Music is the key to Human bonding,It's Freedom; through expressing our most intimate emotions. Music is my entire life, without Music I wouldn't know what it is too truely Love Something un-tangable...I believe there is "Soul" captured in all music, and it's my central mission to myself to learn and understand another's Pain,Wisdom,Talent,joy, or Message thriugh they're Art... Music Lives in us all.........Don't narrow it to favorites'....Enjoy it all.


I am soo In Love with Movies I could never have enough space to even begin naming my favorites, not to mention just one's worth watching...


T.V. is fucking lame although if I do watch it it's either the history channel, or adult swim on cartoon network. Oh yeah and sopranos.


Fredrich Nitze, Yeats, Oscar Wilde,Nick Blinko,Hunter S Thompson,Jim Carroll, H.P. Lovecraft, Kurt Kobain...several others


My Mother, and I don't care if that's not cool!! She's the Universe to me, and a constent source of my Inspiration, more people should be as lucky as me, to have A woman like my Mom as a best friend and Fallen Angel... But that dosen't mean I could ever be a momma's boy...She's just awsome to visit when I can...

My Blog

a mesaage.

fuck an A fuck a Q... Pass through addiction like a knife cutting you. Believe what you want or believe that you will,poking  little black needles, in a  closet.....the chills. Can life real...
Posted by Rev. Scameron on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 01:42:00 PST

I hope you feel content

someday, I'm just gunna sail into the sea...just you beside me. I'm gunna paddle out, and I'm gunna bring onboard every lie you told me. Every time you failed me, there was a scar, and all those marks...
Posted by Rev. Scameron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

hi ya

I'm a body builder! look at my muscles and fear me... look at how type alone but yet, I still have an Austrian accent in my head while I'm writting...
Posted by Rev. Scameron on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST