TSGT TOWNSEND.... profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I live in Florida, and I'm in the Air Force. I've been in the AF since '99 and have no plans on getting out! I've seen most of the US and alot of europe because of the AF...and i cant wait to see the rest of the world. The best part yet is that I met my Cookie , cuz of the A.F. And now we live together by the beach!!! I love my BugIF YOU DONT STAND BEHIND OUR TROOPS, THEN PLEASE, FEEL FREE TO STAND IN FRONT OF THEM!
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My Interests

GO EAGLES!!! I like that I'm thin and can eat whatever I want whenever I want and it has no effect on me. I am lazy so I love junk food especially McDonalds. My night outs include large doses of: budweiser, Jack n Coke, tequila, and ofcourse my COOKIE. I am completly against drinking and driving so here's to all the late night taxi's and the all-night drive-thru's. I like the bars where you can either just throw on a pair jeans and shirt or you can dress to impress. Other things I am a big fan of are MYSPACE, naps right after work, just relaxin out at the beach, partying on the boats at Crab Island, sittin out back on the patio just enjoying sunny florida, and most often--"partying like a rockstar" with my little buddy... Rockstar!!! Some of my favorites from the past are snowboarding, camping, 4 wheelin & dirt bikes, hiking, rock or cliff climbing and jumping. I would still love to do all these things...i just live at the beach now so they got pushed to the side. msprm name="movie"


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