Robyn profile picture

Robyn are today where the thoughts of yesterday have brought you, and you will be tomorrow where th

About Me

I love Family.....deep discussions.......morning coffee and listmaking.......driving.......water.......staying up late.....computers!!!......taking long rides ipod....reading.....children.....learning new things...... laughing....meditation.....bugging my kids at college........=)

My Interests

I like to spend time with my family.

I like to discuss religion, but I hate to discuss politics - especially with my dad.

I love to learn. My current fascination is web design, with a particular love for CSS.

I like a big variety of music, with an emphasis on old school rock like Alan Parsons, Zeppelin, Pink Floyd

I also like music such as Blue Man Group, Mannehiem Steamroller, World Reggae, Sigur Ros etc.

I love Christian music like Jars of Clay, Mercy Me, Leeland, Casting Crowns, MWS....

I also enjoy more contemporary things like Cold Play and Death Cab for Cutie..

I never sleep's my own fault

My sister got MARRIED! FINALLY!!!!

In September all three kids will be in college full time.

College is expensive!


Cool available at Tower Codes
profile was edited with Tower Codes


I mostly just watch the news, but enjoy anything that makes me laugh. I like the Discovery Channel, National Geo Channel, THe Food Network, and some Comedy Central stuff. I like to watch old clips of Mitch Hedberg....'that's ridiculous', haha'. I think Dane Cook is funny. I do not like anything with lots of shooting or explosions.


The Bible, God's Blog's, The Celestine Prophecy, Wild at Heart, 12 Ordinary Men, books and magazines on graphic and web design, text books, and stories by my brother or my kids, or Brendan.


God, my sister Cheryl, my husband, and all three of my kids!

My Blog

a new era.......

Tonight I attended my very last parent/teacher conference for my very youngest child, Sam, as he will graduate from high school in a few weeks. I have attended every single conference since my oldes...
Posted by Robyn on Fri, 11 May 2007 09:23:00 PST

been a long time.....

Just got back from Houston today. My older sister GOT MARRIED!!!!!! The wedding was very small and private, held in the home of one of her best friends. Her daughter, Ashleigh, was her Maid of Honor, ...
Posted by Robyn on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 06:34:00 PST


Got a call from the boys today. They are having the time of thier lives! It is my  husband, my Dad, Bobby, Sam, and my nephew Andrew. Today they spent about 9 hours Halibut fishing. They caught T...
Posted by Robyn on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 06:55:00 PST

a perfect day...

Well, week 6 of being unemployed. Even though I spent the first few weeks feeling like I no longer had any purpose or direction, I guess I really needed the month of May to simply detach from the job ...
Posted by Robyn on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 10:52:00 PST

so much to do...tooo much time to do it.....

I think I operate better with a certain amount of structure in my life. Or deadlines. Or something. I woke up today, my second day of being unemployed, and this is just foreign territory. I should be ...
Posted by Robyn on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 09:43:00 PST

thank you, elements

Today we closed the doors to our customers forever at 6pm. It was very surreal. It may take me several days to really process it. We had so many compassionate customers who came back specifically to...
Posted by Robyn on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 10:36:00 PST

ages and stages

When I was 23 and newly married, my husband and I went to see Bill Cosby live. Of course, he was hilarious, and did this whole comedy schpiel about '40 year old OLD people'. I remember internally agre...
Posted by Robyn on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 06:56:00 PST