I like to spend time with my family.
I like to discuss religion, but I hate to discuss politics - especially with my dad.
I love to learn. My current fascination is web design, with a particular love for CSS.
I like a big variety of music, with an emphasis on old school rock like Alan Parsons, Zeppelin, Pink Floyd
I also like music such as Blue Man Group, Mannehiem Steamroller, World Reggae, Sigur Ros etc.
I love Christian music like Jars of Clay, Mercy Me, Leeland, Casting Crowns, MWS....
I also enjoy more contemporary things like Cold Play and Death Cab for Cutie..
I never sleep enough...it's my own fault
My sister got MARRIED! FINALLY!!!!
In September all three kids will be in college full time.
College is expensive!
Cool available at Tower Codes
profile was edited with Tower Codes
I mostly just watch the news, but enjoy anything that makes me laugh. I like the Discovery Channel, National Geo Channel, THe Food Network, and some Comedy Central stuff. I like to watch old clips of Mitch Hedberg....'that's ridiculous', haha'. I think Dane Cook is funny. I do not like anything with lots of shooting or explosions.
The Bible, God's Blog's, The Celestine Prophecy, Wild at Heart, 12 Ordinary Men, books and magazines on graphic and web design, text books, and stories by my brother or my kids, or Brendan.
God, my sister Cheryl, my husband, and all three of my kids!