James profile picture


This is because I can spell confusion with a K, and I like it, It's to dying in another's arms. And

About Me

I dont know what to say, i cant really describe myself so i will let others try." I cant believe you just did that, thats not safe but it was hella funny"" take my sister's shirt off now" " you took how many? 18 your a liar!" "Go to hell, no really your going to hell" "AA hahaha" "Stop peer pressuring me!, no really stop! ok fine whats the shot too" "I wish i could have been right next to you in that cop car" "Can i punch you in the face?" "That has to be the funniest thing i have ever seen" "Have you ever thought of killing yourself because i have thought of doing it for you" In short you will either love me or hate me... I hope you love me :)

My Interests

********Likes**********- my friends, random nights, doing things then doing those same things drunk, beer, Chilies, long walks on the beach, Sky, Drawing in class, that feeling when you get off of work and you dont have to be back for a long time, Summer, watching football, Concerts, when i get a new comment on myspace, Kicking my cousins ass in risk, beach talks, beach talks while drunk, cross country teams( not running but the people on the teams), 40 from the beach, my trampoline, Music, Making people say "did he just do that", Life when its good **********Dislikes********- DRAMA( unless i started it), people being mad at me for a reason, white people in general actually most people in general, people who are shy, Breaking plans, myspace, worrying, working, school for the most part, life when it sucks, facing that i m not as good as i think, being dependent, friends that drift apart, people that crap at, not living up to my potental, greenday, teeny bopper girls who go to a show and have shirts on that say i love you ____ and they only know the songs that have been played on the radio, thoughts that wont leave your mind, All Maden skill level, doubting yourself,test

I'd like to meet:

Some one who is can make fun of me and some one who can laugh because i love to make people laugh


The starting line, taking back sunday




I love that show

My Blog

"It doesn't take strength to hold a grudge it takes strength to let it go"

Most of the time i start writing a blong and i really dont know what i want to write about and it takes a while for what i m actually thinking to finally come out. This time is different. I wish thing...
Posted by James on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 08:38:00 PST

Who knew there was an I in Friendship

I am Buzzed and i havent wrote a blong in a while so here it goes. Usually i try to be insightful or at least kind but this is different, You know in the bottum of your heart what you want and some of...
Posted by James on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 12:25:00 PST

Give your seat up!

I am really starting to love the night, I seem to be very thoughtful lately and where else is better to post my thoughts then in a myspace blog! So i would like to start this out with Karma really doe...
Posted by James on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 12:26:00 PST

Advise, your mission is to read!

words flow out like the beer that comes from the cans... but i prefer bottles any day of the week. I remember a time when we sat on my tail gate and drank to fucked up love lives! I miss those times w...
Posted by James on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 01:46:00 PST

Fuck January

The start of this year ass suck so much ass. I hate January and heres why 1. I didnt even get a new years kiss 2. My girl left me a whole week early 3. Every one seems to be depressed 4. Fuck D.I.P. ...
Posted by James on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:51:00 PST

Whats for dinner? STEW, yuck gross

Time for a random tangent its been far to long this i got words that have been bouncing around in my head down on paper. Not all that i say in this are my actual words but i find that they help me get...
Posted by James on Fri, 30 Dec 2005 04:37:00 PST

For the girl that rocks my world

For her........     Jumping on my trampoline i asked you to be mine and Every moment with you is the next best moment of my life because Smiling is always easy when she is around and Singing...
Posted by James on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 10:50:00 PST

Take this ride

I want to first start out by saying i hate school. Now that is sad I love The Graham Colton Band. I wish i could go back in time not to change anything but to laugh at me for thinking that life was so...
Posted by James on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 12:00:00 PST

Samuel L. Jackson

I used to think Morgan Freeman was the worst actor of all time. But, after watching Coach Carter, Samuel L. Jackson long runner up for many years to Morgan Freeman, has now over taken him at the top. ...
Posted by James on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 06:46:00 PST

For you

So i decided to write a blong! why you might ask? well its not because i feel like writting because if i felt like writting i would start my english paper or my phil homework, but the real reason is b...
Posted by James on Wed, 14 Sep 2005 10:54:00 PST