I'm going through a transition, though I've been saying that for years. The good news is I'm making progress.
Still a lost boy in more ways than one. (Fairy dust is the shit but Tink, Tigerlilly and Wendy Lady are heartbreakers). A 25 year old day dreamer who wants nothing more than to truly love and be loved.I run and act in a theatre company with 12 other lunatics, that we founded three years ago, which takes more attention and hardwork than a long term sweetheart. The rewards are great but you cant sleep with a theatre company. (without contracting diseases I mean).I also might kind of have a slight, minor really, addiction to feeling melancholy.When Im in good spirits Im pretty much a monkey. When my nephew was 18 months old he called me uncle monkey, no one told him, he just knew. Im a silly, hyper, French, super monkey. What.
I've really fallen out with my faith life which I would say is a big part of who I was. In my opinion there is so much complete and utter crap surrounding the truly beautiful core of Christianity that I am completely confused and need to slowly rebuild my faith without the negative influence of human beings that dont know what the HELL they are talking about. There I said it. I'm a little aggrivated with that side of my life as you might have guessed. Ok, Enough of that.I live life with lots of highs and lots of lows and have some trouble existing somewhere in between. I either strive with great energy for love and beauty or I let fear break me down. Weird, that.One thing I have come to realize is that to love others you must truly, unconditionally, love yourself. Only then will you be able to live from a place of true generosity and compassion. I never stop trying to better understand this idea. I am really hard on myself; I am learning to forgive my faults and remember that the weight is a gift.I am an uncle, a younger brother and a son, a best friend and an ex-boyfriend.For more info about the above mentioned theatre company visit www.washingtonensemble.org"When a man is at last brought face to face with himself by a brave individualism, he finds himself face to face, not with an individual, but with a species, and knows that to save himself he must save the race. He can have no life except a share in the life of the community"
-George Bernard Shaw
Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?