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The Dreamway (2005)
Acrylic on Canvas Board (framed)
Into The Horizon (2005)
Acrylic on Canvas Board (framed)
$450(NZD) +shipping
$450(NZD) +shipping
13/02/2009 (Friday the 13th)
I took in a lecture on itunes U a few months ago about level 1 and 2 consciousness. A level 2 conscious basically the part of the mind that is set to automatic. When someone says "how's your day going?" you automatically say "good thanks." The point is you don't actually think about the question and your answer is pre-programmed. level 1 is basic everyday conscious. Like when someone asks "what is 22% of 73?" you have to think about the question.
Now I have had some experiences as a human being with level 2 conscious and at one time an x-ray glimse of mind processes. I had until this point never found a common language to explain what I had experienced, but this lecture has done that for me. The x-ray back then showed me in my head that level 2 bubbles away like a cauldron, too much going on at once to really take it in. It is totally non-linear "all-at-once" kind of stuff, it was unfathomable, over-powering and scary. Now it is the level 1 that is the lens that focuses consciousness, it is the linear and precise parts of the mind and it is what makes us feel in control of everything.
Anyway it is all terribly interesting....
I want to focus now a little level 1 on to the level 2 abyss. The part where all the good stuff hides, the part and parts that are greater than me. The part that springs forths archetypes, angels and devils..
The Lifestylers Guide To The World
I will be starting my job soon at a local trophy maker. Acrylics Plus in Stokes Valley. I must of passed some sort trophy test *fingers crossed* because Andrew wants my help with award season which should kick off next month.
I've always remembered this little gem from my Social Studies Teacher from Kaipara College (Mr. Greenbrooke) and I think it is very fitting for my current employment situation
"just because you get well paid to move bricks from one side to the room to the other all day, does not mean that you have a good job"
I know now exactly want he means....
The only thing that really keeps me on an even keel these days is a good diet and a little bit of exercise when I can fit it in.
The new job (Andrew are listening :-P.) When I start is only going to be part time (I hope and pray it is not an another a-fore-mentioned brick.) I feel it should suit me well.
I can't wait to get to grip with some of the machinery, some of the work, some new challenges.
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