Andre Johnson is a national motivational speaker that has
traveled across the country inspiring, motivating and
entertaining over 500,000 audience participants.
Click here and feel the Purpose , Passion & Power of what
Andre Johnson can bring to your organization. Book Him NOW!
See Andre Johnson In Action!!!
or visit my website at:
His unique ability to capture the attention of an audience
has created a niche Brand within his industry.
Andre Johnson has been labeled The Nations #1 Career & Business Empowerment Coach.
He has assisted countless graduates and students from
across the country as they transition out of our
institutions of higher learning into the Workforce Industry.
He has a proven system that has captured the attention of
major fortune 500 companies and has been called upon to
present his signature presentation and seminars titled "Unemployment is not a JOKE" .
This newly developed technique has allowed individuals to
capitalize on their gifted abilities and create the ideal
career opportunities. Being able to work on your ideal job
or create and find the niche market for your business is
very critical.
He has presented in corporate boardrooms, university
conferences, national leadership conventions and career
fairs across the country.
He entertains with his melodious voice from his musical
background. That is what sets him apart from all
He has a passion for helping others to maximize their
potenital. It is his personal mission to impact and
empower others with the tools and resources they will need
in order to maximize their potential.
He is a masterful corporate trainer that is called upon to
change the atmosphere in the work place.
He has been identified as one of the top employment
coaches in the industry. He has traveled the country
training , teaching and coaching corporate leaders and
employees on how to maximize their employment potential.
If you want to find out what it takes to reach your career
destiny, let A.J. know, he can get you there.
Book his college and University tour " EDU-TAINMENT"
" The Kings of Motivation"
Website :
email : [email protected]