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Stephen Maturin

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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I'm pensive . At times. And very silly, bold and loud at others. I'm too old for my age but also too young to be too old , so maybe I'm just right . Maybe . Or terribly wrong . Or both. I have strong opinions on some things and weak ones or none on others. I think wearing Betty Boop buttons on a jumper is pretty cool . Coffee . I love it. I think food and I aren't getting on too well , but coffee I like. I'm expressive if I feel like it. And ridiculous if I'm not doing it right . I'm not perfect. I wish I were . I know that I don't want to be. Don't want to be put where I don't want to be . So be it. I'm drawing lines only to panic over how to wipe them off again. I like to draw.Other things , I mean, not just lines. I'm very needy , so needy that I [sometimes] can't stand myself and wish I could just send me home . I'm small ...short that is. I like to keep things structured ...theoretically. I practically never succeed. I'm a mess . Or an inspiration . I'm very serious about the coffee thing. I'm alot of things, most of all confused in a friendly way, because I can be friendly, too.
I just am .

My Interests

anatomy, art, calories, camden town, cats, chewing gum, coffee, colours, company, conversation, dancing, daydreaming, decorating, dieting, drawing, eating disorder, fashion, finding home, fine art, fitness, h&m, hats, historical fashion, living history, london, medicine, music, nature, reflecting, regency, shoes, shows, style, theatre, travelling, wondering

I'd like to meet:

Sherlock Holmes ...

...who, unfortunately isn't just dead but - even worse - has never lived at all. So that's a bit unlikely .



Master and Commander, Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulin, La cage aux folles, To the Ends of the Earth, A Beautiful Mind, Chocolat, Fried Green Tomatoes, Tipping the Velvet, A Knight's Tale, The Name of the Rose, Cabaret, Fingersmith, Bridget Jones' Diary, La Grande Bouffe, Amadeus, Besieged, Center Stage, Life Is Sweet, Notting Hill, Lord Of The Rings, Party Monster, Stepping Out Of The Frame, ...many, many more


I don't spend too much time in front of the telly, which isn't too great a loss as most of the stuff they bring these days is pretty much crap anyways...Allthough I quite enjoy watching ER, Grey's Anatomy, Queer As Folk,...uhm...and sometimes even really dumb celebrity gossip and fashion mags...*cough* There you were, thinking I was intellectual ;o)


(coming soon)

My Blog has been o.k.

I'm feeling very blank,today. Not actually blank in a bad way. More the kind of blankness best compared to the white morning sun dimmed by a veil of fog. Almost peaceful. I honestly can't tell you wh...
Posted by Stephen Maturin on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 07:38:00 PST

...cinnamon makes me so...

I'm feeling very sensual today. Maybe the scent of cinnamon makes me so...well, sensual. On the other hand I'm restless. You should see my room. Not that it had been a mess before ( I really managed t...
Posted by Stephen Maturin on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 01:59:00 PST

ah, well...

... forgive any painfully wrong spelling to come, I'm very, very tired. Oh, no, not the "blah, just wanna sleep" kind of tired...more the actually physical tiredness that, despite being in a reasonabl...
Posted by Stephen Maturin on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 08:11:00 PST

...resusciation successful :o)

Hello? Anybody out there? Well, I've been spending the last couple of days updating my profile (simply to distract me from other things far more important) and am proud to present the result I fear i...
Posted by Stephen Maturin on Mon, 21 May 2007 05:32:00 PST

When the tea is drunk there is an empty cup remaining

Life is a mystery ? Nah, maybe a cheap porn movie, but without the overly annoying background music... It wasn't planned. It was not romantic, nor particulary spectacular, but I certainly won't forge...
Posted by Stephen Maturin on Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:09:00 PST