anatomy, art, calories, camden town, cats, chewing gum, coffee, colours, company, conversation, dancing, daydreaming, decorating, dieting, drawing, eating disorder, fashion, finding home, fine art, fitness, h&m, hats, historical fashion, living history, london, medicine, music, nature, reflecting, regency, shoes, shows, style, theatre, travelling, wondering
Sherlock Holmes ...
...who, unfortunately isn't just dead but - even worse - has never lived at all. So that's a bit unlikely .
Master and Commander, Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulin, La cage aux folles, To the Ends of the Earth, A Beautiful Mind, Chocolat, Fried Green Tomatoes, Tipping the Velvet, A Knight's Tale, The Name of the Rose, Cabaret, Fingersmith, Bridget Jones' Diary, La Grande Bouffe, Amadeus, Besieged, Center Stage, Life Is Sweet, Notting Hill, Lord Of The Rings, Party Monster, Stepping Out Of The Frame, ...many, many more
I don't spend too much time in front of the telly, which isn't too great a loss as most of the stuff they bring these days is pretty much crap anyways...Allthough I quite enjoy watching ER, Grey's Anatomy, Queer As Folk,...uhm...and sometimes even really dumb celebrity gossip and fashion mags...*cough* There you were, thinking I was intellectual ;o)
(coming soon)