WeLL wat iiz there tuh sAy..
ii juss wake up..dO wat ii gottah dO at home..take a shower..leave tha house..kome home nd eat..dEN take another shower..AFTER dAt gO tuh sleep..nd wake up tha next dAy nd start all over agaiiN..lol.
bUT iiF iiM wiit FAMiiLy dEN dAtz a whole diifferent routine..lol..bUT MOsT oF My TiiME iiM juss FOkUsiiNg ON skOo nd tha dance group that ii love sooo much..oh yeah..their tha bomb diggiity..lol..
I'd like to meet:
ii LOVE My NEW HANdSOME nd sPOiiLEd NEPHEW CHiiEF zyON..ii LOVE yOO NEPHEW..nd My siister NANA..kONgRATz siis yOUR a MAMA NOW..lol..oh nd tha dAddy TANU..LOVE YOO THREE A LOT..
My gUy bEsTiiE [bEstFWENd]..LOVE hiiM tuh dEAtH..kNt kEEP NO sEcRETz fROM hiis Ass..ii LOVE YOO bEsTiiE!!
My giiRL bEsTiiE [bEsTFWENd] dAt ii LOVE sOOO dARN MUcH..ii TELL HER EVERyTHiiNG..sOOoo yEAh dNt fUck wiit ME bEFuH sHE REALLy gOEs dUMb ON yO Ass..ii LOVE yOO biig siis MELE!!!
ii LOVE ALL kiiNdz oF Musiik...
"R&B", "RAP", "HiiP HOP", "ROck", nd MOsT OF ALL
REGGAE nd HAWAiiAN/sAMOAN jAMz..yUP yUP yUP..oh nd TAhiiTiiAN bEAtz..ii dANcE TUh MOsT ALL OF dEsE MUsiik..hOW kAN yOO NOT..dERE HELLAh kOOL yAh diiGG..lol..
My FAv. MOViiE iiz "A WALk TO REMEMbER", "FAsT iiN A FURiiOUs", "THE NOTEbOOk", "GREAsE 1&2", "sHiRLEy TEMpLE", "sAvE thE LAsT dANcE", "wHALE RiidERz", "JOhNNy LiiNgO" nd LAsT "ONcE WERE WARRiiORz"..LOVE dEsE MOviiEz..
THERE sOooo kOOL tuh WAtcH..
My T.V sHOWz ARE "HiiLLz", "NEWPORT hARbOR", "ii LOVE NEW yORk", "TiiLA TEQUiiLA", "THE RUNs HOUSE", " THE 70's sHOW", "diisNEy shOw", nd MANy MANy MORE..lol..bUT iiMMAh NAME thOse fuH NOW..lol..oh nd ii love watchiiNg my lovely teamz play!! duh!!..lol..
ii love My TEAMz..whoop whoop!!
My FAv. bOOk that ii AkTUALLy REAd iiz "iislands of tha blue dolphiiNz"..iitz hellah gOOd ii read iit sOoo MANy tiiMEz..iit aktually briiNgz tEARz tuh My EyEz..*sNiiFF sNiiFF*..lol..oh nd ii love readiing about my haterz...dang they kould freakiin wriite thiingz sooo bad about me..they hellah make me famous..well ii wrote a liil somethiing fuh them tuh read soo yeah ii hope yoo enjoy iit!!
i drOp shyt.. h0es pOp it.. dem birdiez fOll0w it... gOt my name in yAh mOuth? b1tch swallOw it
i thrOw all da scummy b1tchez nd mistaz..bUt ya'll still remain ..Nd i call u ma sistaz
where da drama neva endz
we hate da law sO we break it
lOyal tO diz life- ain't nO way
tO escape it
rumOrz r viciOus..talk iz cheap
wOrdz r maliciOus : secretz u shud keep
qOssip iz fake n i'LL make da deepezt cut sO learn
frOm da past ...keep yAh mOuth shut
jealOusy..yEAh i expect dat ..
but i dnt sTREss dat.. kuz makin U
envy me iz wut i'M bezt at
< I q n 0 r A n C e >
.- s P r e A d s -.
|* L _ i _ E _ s *|
I've been the girl
middle finger in the air
Unaffected by rumors,
sayin 'I don't fuckin care!'
-Keep looking my way-
-My head is held high-
-U wanna bring me down?-
-"BiTcH I dare you to try-
Im not worried about wut other ppl think nemore,
Its just me, myself, & I--
BUt before I tell the truth to someone,
I'm gonna give'em a good dAM lie.
I hate when ppl get stuck in ur
So that they can get the story
& run back to tell all their friends.
Think u understand?
Trick-U cant even begin to know,
all the hell I've been thru.
no mOrE GaMeZ
Im TiReD Of aLL DiS DraMa
So WhEn YoU ReAdY To Be ReaL w. Me
Go AhEaD -n- HoLLa
[(If Ur A hAtA gEt Da Fuk OuT)]
My NUMbER ONE HERO iiz tha gUy UP AbOVE..yEsh yEsh alwayz watchiiN over ME thru My gOOd nd bAd TiiMEz..
My sEcONd HERO are My PARENTz LOVE dEM tuH dEAtH..My thiird HERO iiz My PAPA..LOVE hiiM EVERy siiNgLE MiiNUTE oF My LiiFE..
nd LAsT My siis kRystAL MAEA..LOVE nd Miiss HER TUH dEATH..RIP biig siis yOO WiiLL ALWAyz bE iiN My ♥