music, basketball, basketball, basketball, basketball, basketball, sunkist apple juice, sunkist apple juice, sunkist apple juice, fresh orange juice with milk, chocolates and lots of them, the original coca cola, vanilla coke, anime/manga, movies..
Anyone that can satisfy my tummy... Heahhahahha... And all my long lost FRIENDS~!
All of Incubus albums, Japanese anime soundracks(the one's i have), Bily Tallent, Avril Lavigne, Cokelat(Rasa Baru), Close to you by Carpenters, and not to forget, FLIPROTATION'S music...
There's too many movies to describe and list it down..
Any Japanese anime, That 70's Show, Futurama, The Simpsons, Spongebob Squarepants, Kim Possible, Punk'd, Two Guys and A Girl, Becker, CSI/CSI Miami, Friends, Max X etc...
Japanese Manga..
Me, myself and I...