^JoSë ÃnToNiØ^ profile picture

^JoSë ÃnToNiØ^

I am here for Friends

About Me

Awesome Layouts at MySpace Layouts !

Mi mayor fortaleza : MI FAMILIA Y MIS AMIGOS y Mi mayor debilidad : MI FAMILIA Y MIS AMIGOS

My Interests

Im an eternal optimist, I believe in the good old fashioned values of romance, friendship and honesty. Im a genuinely good-guy.I like meeting PeOPLe and MaKing New FrienDs


Dan ONeil,James Blunt,Rob HarKNeSs, ColDPlaY, Keane, AmOS LeE, DaMien RiCe,Bon Jovi, EMiN3M,Gianluca Grignani, Wisin and Yandel, Hector and Tito, LimP BizKiT,The Beatles,Air SupplY, The ALL-AMeRiCaN ReJecTS, My CheMiCaL RomanCe, LinKin PaRk, ReD HoT ChiLLi PePPeRs, OaSIs, AerOSMitH, GunS aND RoSeS, PaPa RoacH, BlinK 182,CyPreSS HiLL, SySTeM Of a DowN, SUM 41, SaVaGe GarDEN, NeLLy FurTaDo, ShaKiRa, The CraNBeRRieS, The RaSMuS, MaNA, JaGUaReS, InToCaBLe, CaMiLa, MoLoToV, HomBreS G, eNaNiToS VerDeS, EsToPa, PaNDa,Ricardo Arjona, etc


LOVe AcTuaLLy -CraSH -Great Expectations-CasTAwaY-The Green MiLe-The TrUMaN ShOW-GlaDiatoR-GooD WiLl HunTinG-A BeauTiFul MinD-PeArL HarBOr-Das ExPeriMenT-The Pianist-ArtiFiCiaL InTeLLiGenCe -ClicK-The PurSuiT Of HaPPynEsS- BraveHeaRt- Edward Scissorhands- 300-ELePhanT -UnDerWorLD -UnDerWorLD: EVOLuTioN -My life witHouT Me -All The ReaL GirLs -Pay It ForWarD-The NoTeBooK-The PaSSioN Of The CHriST-AMeriCan HisTorY X-The miRaCle WorKeR (1962)-The VillaGe-UnBreaKaBle-PanS LaByRinTh-The LorD Of The FlyeS-aN InConVenienT TruTh (documentary)-La Marche de l'Empereur(documentary)-BroTheR BeaR -SoutH Park The MOVie


DawSonS CReeK - EveRWooD- TakeN - SoutH ParK - Daria- Drawn Together- SainT SeiYa-


Img src="http://myphotohut.com/directory/dir20070918/6151-7053.j pg" a


I dont need a hero... Some situations are too tragic to have a hero

My Blog

Children of Hábitat ( My friend Russel´s Blogs)

u have to take a look to some blogs made for my friend Russel. All the blogs are written in spanish! so u can practice ur reading skill!!http://childrenofhabitat.blogspot.com/...
Posted by ^JoSë ÃnToNiØ^ on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 12:43:00 PST

To My deaR FrienD

u told me " I dunno why I still hanging out with him even when I know he is not a good guy"well....." coz u are hoping u´re wrong and everytime he does something that tells u he´s not good, you IGNORE...
Posted by ^JoSë ÃnToNiØ^ on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 03:32:00 PST


Analizando en forma retrospectiva lo que yo llamo una típica, normal,fuera de lo extraordinario y hasta ahora muy convencional etapa adolescente me he dado cuenta de que siempre he estado rodeado de s...
Posted by ^JoSë ÃnToNiØ^ on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 05:39:00 PST

iNSTRuCCioNeS PaRa CuMPLiR 30 aÑoS

INSTRUCCIONES PARA CUMPLIR 30 En el fondo, no hay nada que hacer. Siempre tendrás dieciocho, porque eres joven sólo una vez, pero inmaduro para siempre. No hay instrucciones para cumplir treinta. ...
Posted by ^JoSë ÃnToNiØ^ on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 11:23:00 PST