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About Me

My name is Felisa Walton. I go by Lisa or Simply Lee (Lisa Simply Lee get it :) I am a registered nurse, model and writer from Jacksonville, Florida. Most of my life has been spent helping people. I aspire to open a shelter to help young women with the ups and downs of life. I sincerely feel that if I can just touch one somebody then my work will not be in vain.Through my own personal experiences, I want to touch young women throughout the world with my work.An excerpt from “The Morning After” by Felisa Walton:Dana rolled from underneath the thin sheet and blanket that covered her long, lean, bronzed-colored body. Still in a daze, she looked around trying to remember where she was and better yet; why was she in this place. The tiny room had one simple brown dresser. She could tell it had been around for a while because the paint was chipped in many places and the color had started fading to the dull metal underneath. Across the room, a plain brown blanket on another small already made bed didn’t spruce up her feelings at all. A dim light came from what appeared to be a bathroom.From her tiny bed, Dana heard her name being called from the halfway opened door. In a short time, a well-built white man dressed in a maroon shirt and white pants came through the tiny doorway with orders “hey, it’s time for you to see the doctor.” She had to hurry. She pulled her thin frame from underneath the disarray sheets that covered her. Dana paused for a moment to think. Her appearance had always been a priority to her. She reflected on how people would always tell her how pretty her hair was right after it was freshly done; but, in the past few months, she had been in a serious depressive state. Dana had confined herself to the guest bedroom. She hadn’t been eating and when she did, she had to force food down. Her delusional thoughts had her feeling she wasn’t worth nothing to anyone; most importantly to herself.Her memory only flashed patches of the events that lead up to that day. This was not the first time that she had blacked out and couldn’t remember traumatic events. But this time, she remembered the razor. Tears began welling up in her eyes. She knew what she was about to discover about her body wasn’t going to be anything nice. Dana glanced down at her wrists to see the zigzag scars that had nearly healed. The tears rolled out of control down her cheeks like a running faucet. She held the small pillow to her face to try to wipe off the flow of her tears.Her name echoed again from the unfamiliar voice. She dragged her wobbly body through the half opened door of the bathroom; as she looked at herself in the discolored mirror, her face barely visible; she was hardly able to make out her hair that was in an uncontrollable state. A simple black comb laid on the toilet bowl as she grabbed it in attempts to try to control her hair, while combing her hair she experienced pain that came from area on her arms and legs. She kept telling herself she had to hurry, dismissing the horrible thoughts that she started to replay in her mind.Did you try to hurt yourself? A voice came from the foreign speaking elderly man; with a bad accent, that sat across the square shaped desk from her. In her low pitched voice, Dana replied No? But she continued telling him that sleeping and eating had been hard for her lately. She also proceeds to tell him that she had lost her job recently. There had also been the drinking and drug use that had become very familiar to her since losing her job; she had adopted as a way to try to keep her mind sane. She knew it wasn’t the right thing to do. Since she had not liked there fact of drinking alcohol. Dana’s mother had drunk a lot; her mothers drinking had caused a lot arguing, and fighting; her relationship with her mother hadn’t been a great one. She vowed to never drink alcohol but she hadn’t been thinking straight for some time now. Dana found it very hard to answers the psychiatric questions because of his accent. She had to keep asking him to repeat the question. She made out, that he was going to start her on some medications that would help her sleep and something to help her with the anxiety that had been plaguing her for the last months. She was instantly dismissed after those words. She thought the whole visit must have lasted 10minutes at the most. This wasn’t what Dana needed now: along with all the turmoil that had been going on in her life; she didn’t need to be in this horrible place.On her way back to her room, she noticed the other patients sitting alone into space, she saw this young girl that looked not old enough to be in a place like this; screaming out of control in a baby voice, the staff was readily available to give her a quick intramuscular shot in her butt that would work within minutes of injection. Dana knew of this medication because she had a medical background and was very familiar with drugs and their usage.Not amazed, Dana made it back her room. She was a fairly smart black women; How in the hell did things get so bad for into heart; she couldn’t put a finger on the reason why her life was falling apart.READ MORE OF MY WRITINGS AT:

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Looking for BLOOGERS!!!!!

I am a inspired writer, most f my work is of my own personal experiences. Trails that I have faced and how I have overcomed. Helping people is my gift. I want to share my own persoanl experinces with ...
Posted by on Thu, 14 May 2009 10:20:00 GMT

What about them Lakers now

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Posted by on Mon, 11 May 2009 13:18:00 GMT

Are there any women sport fan

From what has always been said, sports is a man things.But, I stand bodly to say that I love sports.My favorite sport is football but now that the playoff for basketball are iin full affet.I don't car...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 14:58:00 GMT

Eyes Opened

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Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 15:28:00 GMT

Saying Sorry Means So much

Saying Sorry Means So Much  Arguing with your significant other is something that is expected in any relationship. What puts added fuel to the fire is when either of you cant or wont say the simpl...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 15:24:00 GMT

Comments welcomed,inspired writer, goal to help others

"There Are No More Rooms Left In My ..Inn.."When I think about an ..Inn.., I see it as a place where Anybody can go to find some type of temporary refuge. It isnt like a house where you would take ...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 15:18:00 GMT


FREE"   As I woke up that horrible morning in a place I knew wasn't my home, where there were guards all around me, They monitored my every move, I ran over to push a door because I wanted to be free....
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 15:33:00 GMT


Did anyone check out the news this morning, I did and I was upset about the comment that was made about FIRST LADY'S outfit. I feel very strongly that if it was a white first lady there would be nothi...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Jan 2009 07:23:00 GMT

Managing Your Thoughts

Everybody has their own thoughts, how we handle or regulate our thoughts will ultimately tell the story of life. Good thoughts equal a life of good outcome, bad thoughts equal life of bad outcomes tha...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 07:22:00 GMT

An excerpt from The Morning After by Felisa Walton

My name is Felisa Walton .  I go by Lisa or Simply Lee (Lisa Simply Lee get it :) I am a registered nurse, model and writer from Jacksonville, Florida. Through my own personal experiences, I want to t...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 17:49:00 GMT