Thuy profile picture



About Me

"..And sometimes it's not the journey...'s the destination.."
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i love my friends..i get attached way too takes me madd long to get over someone..hos before bros, cell phone is my soulmate..i love surprises..i let little things get to me..unexpected phone calls are straightener is my other soulmate..the littlest things can make me smile or cry..i'm very random in the things i say..i'd rather have like 3 close friends than 100 acquaintances..i love eating..sometimes i feel like food is the only thing that gets me..i love getting to know people..i can't stay mad at someone..i can't have someone stay mad at me..i sleep with the tv on..or the radio..basically i need sound or light to sleep..compliments are always appreciated..i don't need alcohol to have fun..but sometimes it helps..i love my mom's cooking..i'm ticklish..i love feeling like i'm needed or wanted..drama is unnecessary..but i deal with it well..maybe cause sometimes i just don't give a damn..i know that not everyone i meet likes me..but that's ok cause i don't like everyone i meet..lip gloss is the shit..i enjoy getting sweet voicemails and text msgs..i fear college and the whole process of it..long conversations are fabulous..confidence is hott..cockiness is not..guys should make the first move..I LOVE AND MISS MY STEMM!..certain songs can make me cry..all's fair in love and war..popularity is overrated..everything does happen for a reason..but sometimes that reason is hidden..laughter IS the best medicine..i believe in myself, most of the time..i feel special when people remember my birthday..i always chew gum even when i'm not supposed to..if you buy me cotton candy, seriously, i'm YOURS forever..i don't understand a lot of things..i hate sweet talkers cause i always fall for them..don't be a complete asshole and you're good with me..i can keep a family is everything to are my friends..doing well in school is important to me..if you're pissed at me, tell me..if you ask me what's wrong and i say nothing, keep asking..that makes me feel like you do really care..i'm a kid at heart..i love listening and being able to help with problems..i often keep my crushes to myself..unless i get tricked into telling someone ;)..i regret a lot of things..people who say they don't regret anything are lying..i don't say i love you if i don't mean parents are my heroes..i cram for tests..i feel special when people include me in things..i don't like people who can't take a joke..but i hate people who think that everything is a joke..i don't like ungrateful people..once a cheater, always a liar..i get caught up in things..i'm a huge procrastinator..i'm easily distracted and that's why it can take me an hour to do one math problem..i can have fun just chillin..summer is the best season..i love music..i play the violin..guitar or drum players are delicious..i love telling people how i feel..i'm madd sensitive..i'm not a big risk taker..but i'll take risks i think are necessary..i get moments where i just miss people..i call people just to say hi..but end up on the phone with them for hours..if you call me, talk to me..people can easily tell when i'm in a shitty mood just by the way i answer the phone..i'm not perfect guy won't be perfect..and that's just perfect..i try to remember people's birthdays..every girl should have a Will like Grace does..i can be hard headed and stubborn..ignorance is not bliss..i hate it when people start to tell me something and then decide not to finish..if you have a crush on me, just tell me!..if you don't like me, let me know..the most annoying thing is someone pretending to like me when it's obvious they don' is fantastic..i love driving..speeding tickets are madd stupid..actually any ticket that cops give you just to meet their quota are stupid..hi my name is thuy and i'm addicted to junk food..but i take care of my body..i love accessories..true love does exist..just really hard to find..stuffed animals are cute..amusement parks are cool..being on an roller coaster is a rush..everything is an "asian thing"..i hate it when people don't like me for the wrong reasons..not all lies are bad..athletic guys are amazing..i don't like shady, fake, unoriginal people..i know everyone has their down days..guys who wear cologne are sexy..if i did something wrong, i'll feel horrible unless i talk about it..i cry at movies..i hate people who have no emotions..or people who never show them..real men wear pink..not hott pink though..collared shirts are sexy..guys in sweatpants and sweatshirts are like the hottest creatures..i can't pretend to be mad at someone, i'll laugh..flirting is fun especially when it's mutual..i'm scared of the dark, so i sleep with a nightlight..i love love love pudding..and baby carrots..chocolate (dark chocolate especially) is like heaven..i'm really shy at first but if you get to know me, you'll see that i'm not shy at all..i love funny guys..if you can make me laugh, chances are i like you..i'm not into the whole "bad boy" thing..but they beat out momma's boys anyday..if you really want someone, you should fight for them..i don't get and never will get why some girls like jerks..seriously what's so appealing?..i hate rain even though its the best sound to sleep chocolate is the best..and it's hot chocolate, not hot cocoa..powerade is my new favorite drink..less is more..nice guys do finish last..but sometimes last is too late..even though sometimes it sucks, a guy and a girl can be JUST yourself, who else is better qualified??..