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About Me phil. if your melodies or solos are feeling a little flabby, are your musical thighs rubbing when you run on stage. if so then COME ONE DOWN TO DR. PHILS ROCK GYM!!! for your hourly rock out. this way your music will have tastier abs than any other song in the world....remember.......Dr. Phil is hungry.........hungry for rock!!!.. ..
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This profile was edited with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.4
This profile was edited with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.4
Name: phil "satan" donoghue
Birthday: 9th march 1845 BC
Birthplace: in a stable
Current Location: in a chair
Eye Color: alot of white around the sides and blue in the middle
Hair Color: brown
Height: approximatly 5'11
Right Handed or Left Handed: what kind of question is this
Your Heritage: chinese with a dash of burt reynolds
The Shoes You Wore Today: i call them turner and hooch
Your Weakness: guns that fire chriptonite
Your Fears: car jackers that kill your uncle...all the spider mans out there will know what im talking about
Your Perfect Pizza: no my name is phil
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: the worlds biggest human shaped ant
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: go away phil stop talking to me
Thoughts First Waking Up: hmmm what a nice ceiling
Your Best Physical Feature: the stunningly good looking eyebrows
Your Bedtime: oh i dont have one, i dont believe in them
Your Most Missed Memory: ide rather not say
Pepsi or Coke: well you cant snaught pepsi can you
MacDonalds or Burger King: ive never been to burger king
Single or Group Dates: whatever the wind says
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: what the fuck is nestea
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanillate
Cappuccino or Coffee: sneezy
Do you Smoke: depends what has been rolled
Do you Swear: somtimes swearing is your only way through
Do you Sing: yeh
Do you Shower Daily: no i just call him dale
Have you Been in Love: i hope so
Do you want to go to College: yeh but i dont think i would be there for t education
Do you want to get Married: yeh
Do you belive in yourself: yeh
Do you get Motion Sickness: no but ive heard of motion city soundtrack....baddaboosh
Do you think you are Attractive: only to metals
Are you a Health Freak: no
Do you get along with your Parents: i think so yeh
Do you like Thunderstorms: i love them
Do you play an Instrument: drums
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: no
In the past month have you Smoked: nope
In the past month have you been on Drugs: only recently
In the past month have you gone on a Date: no
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: that would include going to america
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: LMAO EHY THE HELL WOULD ANYONE WANT TO KNOW THAT
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: who the hell is she
In the past month have you been on Stage: no
In the past month have you been Dumped: ?
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: mmmm skinny people dipping
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: i cant remember
Ever been Drunk: hell yeh
Ever been called a Tease: wow break out with the hardcore questions
Ever been Beaten up: no
Ever Shoplifted: dont be silly im not that strong
How do you want to Die: ide like to be eaten by an explosive shark with a bazuka
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: a dinosaur/fire engine
What country would you most like to Visit: the soocky sucky islands
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: doesnt bother me
Favourite Hair Color: dark
Short or Long Hair: long hair
Height: boobs
Weight: 6 billillion stone
Best Clothing Style: no clothes
Number of Drugs I have taken: two if you include alcohol
Number of CDs I own: havnt a clue
Number of Piercings: i have a piece of fence sticking through my leg...doest that count
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of things in my Past I Regret: making saddam hussiene a nice cup of tea
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You make every one laugh!!! You are so funny and can always think of something great to say! Make sure you don't hurt someone with your jokes, but keep being your funny self!!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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what celebrity bootay do you have? (girls only)

Britney Spears
Your butt is quite average but you know how to work it.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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You've done a good job changing with the times, but deep down, you're still the same person.
You're clothes, job, and friends may have changed some - but it hasn't changed you. How Much Have You Changed in 10 Years?..
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RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit, RAZORLIGHT are shit... and so are The Kooks

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Robert Downey Jnr, Bill Bailey, Ross Noble, Morgan Freeman, Peter Boyle, Steve Carrell, Jack Nicholson, Robert De Niro, Jabba The Hut, Ben Stiller, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, Ray Romano, Mathew Perry, John C Mcginley, Willem Defoe, Obi Wan Konobi, Ide like to dance with Donald Faison(Turk), Samual L Jackson, Buzz McLightyear A Rapist, Jackie Chan, Seth Rogan, Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd, Jerramy Clarkson, Stephen Fry, Rich Hall, and.......Will Smith

HOW GOOD IS THAT? I HAVE BRITNEY SPEARS' ASS AND APPARETLY I "WORK" IT. who wouldnt i like to meet would be a longer list. lets just say his name begins with J and ends in ACK BLACK and the one begins with DAVE GROH and ends in L.Zach Braff, John C Mcginley, Will Ferrell, Jim Carrey, Purple aki, Pretty much anyone from friends and Jesus so i could ask him what he was thinkingvote turkey!....ACTUALLY DONT THATS THE SHITTEST THING IVE EVER SAID
Glitter Graphics
Myspace LayoutsHERE IS A QUIZ I DID RECENTLYStarting Time: 10:15 but thats been the time on my watch for about two weeksName: PhilSisters: noBrothers: yesShoe size: 10Height: 6'1 i thinkWhat are u wearing? leather chaps, black steel toe cap cowboy boots, steel mesh wastecoat and a policemans hatFavorite Number: dont have one. i think favourite numbers are shit....why the fuck must you have a favourite number. what, is that the number that has never been a bastard to you or do you like the colour that comes to mind when you think of it. a number is a number......except for 42 oooooooo its a cuntFavorite Drink: beer but only recently been drawn to magnersFavorite Month this is just like the number thing....ide say december for christmas or march because thats when my birthday is but we all know we dont really give a shit about a birthday months, or december for that matter...we just want presants.Favorite Breakfast: crunchy nut***********Have You Ever*****************Broken a bone: elbow...that was a mean injuryBeen in a police car? i cant rememberBeen on a boat? yesSwam in the ocean: yesFallen asleep in school? R.E in year 7Cried when someone died? noone has died close to meSaved emails? only funny ones***********What is-***************What's right beside you? Stephen Fry because lets face it.....hes always rightWhat is the last thing you ate? half a nutri-grain--------------------------Ever Had- -------------------------------Chicken pox: yeh. Sore throat: yehStitches: after jumping on a bed....Abed my muslim friendBroken nose: have a ever had Broken Nose? sounds like a drink or some french desert------------------Do You------------------------------------Like Picnics? there niether here or thereLike School? i did but doing work was shit------------------------Questions----------------------- -----------------Who was the last person you danced with? mrs cogley at the leavers shindig-------------------Final Questions--------------------------Hated someone in your family? no anyone that does hate some1 in their family isnt familyDiamond or pearl: Neither. Im straightIndoors or outdooors? if we are talking about sex then who cares----------------------------Today did you------------------------------1. Talk to someone you like? yeh2. Get sick? no3. Sing? yes4. Talked to an ex? Yeh......EX sandwich!!!...i ate that bitch good5. Missed someone? yeh. the guys that are at leeds--------------------------Last person who---------------------------6. Was on your bed besides you? my cat7. Talked to on the phone? i think it was jonny8. Made you cry? jesus.........he died for our sins9. Went to the movies? i dont fuckin know who the last person to go to the "movies" was!10. You went to the mall with? LMAO the mall lol--------------------------been to---------------------------11. Been to Europe: yes12. Been to Asia: no13. Been to Russia: yes no no14. Been to the Bahamas: yes15. Been to Mexico: yes. suprisingly wet16. Been to Canada: no but should be soon17. Been to Africa: why would i go to africa?-------------Random-----------------------18. Do you like someone at the moment: no. i hate everyone19. What books are you reading right now: fuck off20. Best feeling in the world? being drunk, stoned, and sitting in front of a camp fire all at the same time. either that or shooting someone in the leg21. Future kids name: lol future kids. sounds like some shit cartoon network show22. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no.....well it depends on what you class my penis as23. What's under your bed? nothing and a dildo24. Favorite location? on the roof of any building. lets face it, has anyone ever been on the roof of somewhere and thought "This is shit!"?. i dont think so25. Who do you really hate? i hate that osama bin laden. hes a bit of a twat26. Do you have a job? no. i really should do though27. What’s your favorite colors? if any guy says pink LOL. blue is quite good. but only certain shades28. Are you lonely right now? no. im straightFinish time 10:15

My Blog

I dont have friends

Isnt it sad when you go on msn and your the only one there you want to talk to......anyone? profile has been viewed 19 times but i think that was me
Posted by on Sat, 14 Aug 2010 04:49:00 GMT

Bad Langauge

Why do they call it bad language. i dont see why people get so shocked when they hear the word fuck etc. only a small amount of kool people think nothing of swearing. it shouldnt be called bad langaug...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Sep 2005 08:32:00 GMT


guess what i did today. ima natta telling you
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jul 2005 04:45:00 GMT