The Starkadders profile picture

The Starkadders

About Me

Hi we are the starkadders - welcome if this is your first contact- if not hope you enjoy the new songs on here:- The band is a pulsating three piece -acoustic guitar,2 vocals,hamonica,bass and drums and some wierd effects thrown in! We have just finished our demo album[July 09] 'A brief history of Love and War' for a free copy [just £1 for postage-cheque will do-] e mail me - and I will send a copy... [email protected] is ,as ever a labour of love - 12 songs- some with very tricky sounds and fantastic production by Jon Smith our bass case you're wondering, we got the name from a 1930's[i think..] comic novel[stella gibbons anyway] .The starkadders in the story being a family who farm on the south downs- Certain of the younger ones are liable to uncontrollable and passionate urges as the sap rises and the sukebind reappears in the hedgerows.[look it up -i had to!] others grumble and clean the dishes with twigs! we are similarly rural bunch but what passions we can't express in other , potentially more damaging ways, we throw into the music. Hope to see you at a gig soon.We are planning a big assault on festivals this summer and have a few dates coming up in devon and Somerset before that - will keep you posted.

My Interests


Member Since: 16/07/2007
Band Members: ROG HUNT - Vocals, acoustic guitar, harmonica. JON W SMITH - Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals. Gareth - Drums.
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

addering on and bravely on

'life is the triumph of effort over a meaningless vacuum'-  who said it? prize = the night of a lifetime with your favourite starkadder! still on offer dudes
Posted by on Sun, 03 Jan 2010 02:51:00 GMT