Jasmine profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

about me.....who knows, different person to different people, to my mom an angel, to my boo the coolest chick one could ever meet, to my enemies a bitch, to my old friends an outgoing realist, to my new friends a good source of laughter, to my family intelligent and motivated, to my associates a little short of the full package, to my coworkers a hardworking professional, and to God a work in progress.............. .... ..I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

honestly hitler, only to unlock the genius behind his power over the human mind. If one man can convince millions of people to participate in the slaughter of millions, that man has the power of influence.......if only i knew how to condition that power and use it for good, the world would be a better place
A Deep Gaze Within (Different and Difficult Questions)
Here's the deal. One word answers are almost impossible,
so, feel free to answer normally.
When I ask you to define a word,
I ask you to define the way /you/ see it.
Try your best – this is difficult.
Don't give up.
1 Describe your personality.: Cool but not always collected
2 Define what beauty means to you.: beauty is anything that touches my heart in a good way
3 Describe your current appearance.: bum
4 Describe your appearance overall.: not caught up in fashion, make up, ect, but when i do clean up, i kill
5. Live with ______ in your heart.: love
6 Inner peace comes one step at a time. Name a step.: The ability to handle all situations with positivity
G. Think about or dream up your significant other. Describe their aura.: A tall asshole named Jontae
8. Name a pet peeve.: When people cant take a compliment
9. Find your perfect place. Describe it.: At home with mommybug in her king size bed
10 What is the relationship like with your friends?: "Lord save me from my friends, I can take care of my enemies"
11 What is tragedy to you?: Wasting time
12 What value do you believe in most?: Negativity breeds negativity
13 Look into your own eyes for a second. What do you see?: My eyes look dead
14 What was your first infatuation like?: Felt like love only more obsessive
15 Describe your smile.: genuine
B Who or what do you live for?: the hope that by me being on earth someone or something will be better
1G Describe your family.: one side is.....no comment, the other side is pretty wholesome
18 Define music.: Sam Cooke
19 What's your biggest wish?: cheezy, but world peace, its a wish right
20 What's the most important lesson you've learned in your life?: always be productive and never let time waste because you can never get it back
21 What do you hope for?: happiness
22 What virtue do you believe in most?: never harming people
23 What or who would you give up everything for?: my mother
24 Live to ______.: make a mark
25 What's the most important lesson /anyone/ should learn?:
26 Name a destination you want to arrive to.: austrailia
2G Look up towards the sky. What word comes to your mind?: heaven
28 Define love.: too many meanings
29 What's the best advice you can give the generation of tomorrow?: do the right thing, lol
30 Define life.: the right to exist
31 What's the best way to describe how you love as an individual?: i love hard
32 Assuming you believe in Destiny, what do you fear your Destiny might be?: being mediocre
? 33 Assuming you believe in Destiny, what Destiny are you hoping for?: to be great
34 Some people plan their future. Have you planned yours out?: im in the process of devising my master plan
35 If so, what are you planning?: my route to sucess
36 What are you striving for?: sucess
3G Do you honestly think you'll accomplish your goal?: yes, or else i wouldnt have set it
38 Define emotion.: what lets you know your alive
39 Assuming you are, how are you unique?: i dont conform
40 What makes you a leader or follower?: leader, i follow my heart and it usually leads me against the current of others
41 Define home.: your favorite place
42 How is your relationship with strangers?: great, people i know are usually the hard ones
43 Define poetry.: creative expression
44 Define indulgence.: a weakness
43 Do you have religious faith?: i have a spiritual faith
45 Assuming you do, describe it.:
46 Define determination.: the will to reach a goal
4G Define fear.: ignorance
48 What do you fear most?: being mediocre
49 Why?: I wont be able to do all the things for my mother that i want to do
50 Define romance.: what makes love fun and interesting
51 Define romantic. (Yes, there's a big difference.):
52 Learn from ______.: mistakes
53 Know that ______.: time is precious
54 Remind yourself to ________.: always stay positive and never be afraid to ask for help
55 What keeps people from appreciating life?: they are too preoccupied with material things that dont matter
56 Mistakes are ________.: learning tools
5G Define peace.: the key to solving any problem
58 Define your past.: what made me into the person i am
59 Define courage.: the will to fight and stand up for what you believe in
60 What's the biggest fear you've overcome?: i dont know
61 Define your country's history.: scandalous
62 What are you currently feeling?: that life has some great things in store for me
63 Define your life. (Your life specifically.): an unfinished painting
64 How do you see the world?: a place with billions where only a few use their minds to think, and where even less use their hearts
65 How do you wish you saw the world?: utopia
66 How would you like to live?: comfortable but not rich
6G Define humanity [as in people, not compassion].: imperfection
68 Why do you think that word has two completely different meanings?: because the english language is retarded
69 Define cecity.: a word ive never ran across
G0 Are you a controlled person?: no
G1 If not, why not? If so, why?: i need more mental discipline
G2 Do you recognize when you get out of hand?: no, usually others do and point it out
G3 What influences you to get out of hand?: when i feel threatened or disrespected
G4 What do you usually do?: talk talk talk talk
G5 And then what do you do to cope?: i dont, it just floats out of my head
G6 How do you deal with things generally?: nonchalant, then emotional outburst
GG What angers you most?: ignorance, malice, and judges
G8 What saddens you most?: how most people dont have a heart
G9 What gladdens you most?: wakin up and being able to enjoy my day
80 Which value of yours keeps you alive?: i may not change the world, but i may spark the thought in the man who does (pac)
81 Which goal of yours keeps you alive?: to help people some how
82 Life is tricky. What's the biggest obstacle you've encountered?: in so many situations, just being able to do the right thing
83 Have you ever experienced any major tragedy?: I have experienced tragedy
84 What was it?: 5th
85 What did it feel like?: like lief wasnt worth it
86 Are you an introvert or extrovert?: extrovert by nature, but introvert by choice ever since i came to la
8G Why?: good friends are hard to find
88 As silly as it sounds, do you hide from yourself?: no, but sometimes i cant myself how others do
89 Some people do. Why, do you think?: insecure
90 What's one of the biggest issues you're going through currently?: hard to say
91 Do you think Fantasy has anything to do with reality?: yes, fantasy is an exaggeration of the goodness of reality in most cases
92 Magic happens every day. What have you seen that's magical?: I found a key when I asked the Lord where it was
93 Overall, what do you believe in?: God, myself
94 Choose a stereotype that best fits you.: Girls are emotional creatures
95 Why did you choose it?: first one that came to mind
96 What defines your beauty as an individual?: my originality as a person
9G Why do you or don't you believe in equality?: I dont, im black, enough said
98 Who are you biast against? Be honest.: ??
99 Define proof.: verification of something
100 In one word…who are you?: odd
And that's where it ends.
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My Blog


Okay&Now im no gold digger (sounds cliché but if you check my record, Ive dealt with some broke ass negroes) but before I ever dated a guy with money, I thought dating a guy with money would be..the ...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 11:35:00 GMT


people are turning friendship into a social institution put in place by the popular and governed by corrupt laws.... the punishments fitted for "crimes against friendship" are contemporary styles...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 17:58:00 GMT

Something i wrote on facebook a moon ago

Everybody hides......I would love to meet a person who lives their life unrestricted by the conventionalism of society, and unafraid to embrace their transgressive behavior as a part of human nature. ...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 17:12:00 GMT