Your Personality Is Like Alcohol
You're the life of the party, a total flirt, and probably a pretty big jokester.
Sometimes your behavior gets you in trouble, but you still remain socially acceptable.
You're a pretty bad driver, and you're dancing could also use a little work!
At your best: You are uninhibited, funny, and relaxed.
What people like about being around you: You're friendly, welcoming, and easy to talk to.
What people dislike about being around you: You're a little sloppy and careless.
How addicted people get to you: A fair amount, though they tend to deny it.
What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
You Are Made Of Moxie, Originality, and Fun
3 parts Moxie
2 parts Originality
1 part Fun
And a Splash of Grace
Finish off with a squeeze of lime juice
What's the Recipe for Your Personality?
You Are Tequila
When you drink, you're serious about getting drunk!
You'll take any shot that's offered up to you...
Even if it tastes like sock sweat!
And you're never afraid of eating the worm.
What Alcoholic Drink Are You?