I am interested in the music scene (which their is none in Pittsburgh), music in general, girls (gotta love 'em), parties (big parties or small get-togethers their all good in the hood...lol), movies, food, cats are better than dogs, traveling, snowboarding, jet-skiing, soccer, running, going to the gym, studying abroad, psychology (thats my major), buisness, meeting new people, and searching for buried treasure, killing Buti in Halo 2 is really fun 2, and photography!!!
I would most likely be interested in meeting Ganesh, you know the six or eight armed, elephant god of hinduism? SIKE!!! I would like to meet new people and meeting any celebrity would most likely be fun also, depending on who it is. If i ever meet Bono i would slap him, that would be a bad encounter with a celebrity.
I like alternative such as Green Day, Saves the Day, Cartel, Breaking Benjamin, and Julliana Theory, bands like that. I also like listening to rap such as Lil' Jon, Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Eminem, Daddy Yankee, Young Jeezy, Young Joc, and G-Unit. Nowadays you can type in Lil' or Young and get the best songs from rap. 50 Cent told his granpa he was a "gangsta" and he was proud, so he is retarded by my standards. I am also into the Ramones and Sex Pistols any old school punk bands rule in my eyes!!! My Chemical Romance is fucking off the chains!!! Starting Line is good. Taking Back Sunday and The Used i can listen to at any time. Some techno I can agree with if it's fast, has a good beat, and alot of bass. Basically I can listen to alternative, punk, ska, oldies, classical, rap, reggae, and techno with no problems. I HATE country and I HATE death metal!!! Absolutely the two kinds of music genres I can deal without!!!
Braveheart, Resevoir Dogs, Lucky Number Slevin, The Prestige, Texas Chainsaw Massacare, 13th Warrior, A Knight's Tale, Clockwork Orange, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Pulp Fiction, Jason (1-10), Godfather (1,2,3), Jurrassic Park (1,2,3), Anchorman, 40-Year Old Virgin, Fight Club, Kiss the Dragon, Party Monster, Every Indiana Jones, Troy, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Exorcism of Emily Rose, Hellboy, Gummo, Starship Troopers, Natural Born Killers, Identity, City of God, Scarface, Chornicles of Riddick, Unbreakable, Memento, Boondock Saints, Boiler Room, A Man Apart, Knockaround Guys, Spy Game, Talladega Nights and Hostel. These are just a few of the many movies that I think are great movies...I've seen plenty more and have plenty more I just don't feel like listing them cause I am L-A-Z-Y!!
dOnT rEaLlY wAtCh tElEvIsIoN...eXcEpT fOr fAmIlY gUy, aMeRiCaN dAd,fUlL mEtAl aLcHeMiSt, sImPsOnS, fUtUrAmA (P.S. i own every single futurama episode), tHe sHiElD, rObOt cHiCkEn, mOrAl oReL, pRiSoN bReAk, hOuSe!!!
I am reading DUH the stupid human history, hilarous book and i reccomend it to anyone. I also am reading The Most Evil Secret Socities in History, very interesting i must say.
I think that at this time and age we have lost all of our heroes. The only heroes i can think of that impressed me in my lifetime, besides our dedicated military, is the firemen and policemen that rushed into the Trade Centers to save others allthough they knew of their own impending death. Honestly, what is it 2 b a hero?