With a stomach the size of an egg, I set out into the world to defy the powers that control my every day. The pork roll and cheese on a kaiser, the cheesesteaks, the ice creams of the world have united to make my existence an every day effort.
Having lost 150 pounds, I fit in clothing once hidden from the large people of the world behind pretty glass windows with manequins the size of small sapling trees. My credit card beats in my purse like a heartbeat after a ten mile sprint. Skirts and dresses and sexy sily tank tops - oh my! No biker shorts under the skirts either - nope - those thighs aren't rubbing together now.
At the restaurant....
The waitress brings me a large plate of pasta. I know I should ask her for the to-go box right away. I know I should have not ordered anything but an extra plate to take the two ounces I should be eating off my husband's plate. He, himself, has become protective of his food. Stabbing me with the fork when I venture close, trying to come unseen..."What's that?" I say shock in my voice. As he turns his head I dive in with my fork only to be caught wide eyed making passionate chewing love to his steak. Oh the gloriousness.
Now a size 12 and looking to have the additional surgery to remove the excess skin from my once 316 pound body, I find food controlling me even more. I plan my hours around it. At noon I can have two bites of the hershey bar in my drawer. At one I can have some salad, at three I can have those chips. All in moderation I tell myself...as the greedy fingers of glutton reach into the drawer of food lust.
A little about me?
Big Daddy Howie is my favorite guy in the whole wide world. He's my hero, my best friend, my life companion and my world. My stepdaughters are a major part of our life - they are 14 but seem so much older than that. My babies are my three little pups - Chiefy, CJ and Toby. Trying for a fourth but Big Daddy is putting his foot down. There are so many little four legged children out there that need love though!
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !