..<.."When you are in love you can't
fall asleep because reality is
better than your dreams.
♠Fun and weird facts about Kim Jones
♠I don't eat cheese on my pizza.
♠I miss my Uncle Joey.
♠I have a dog named cheetah.
♠I won't make fun of people.
♠I don't stay mad at people for long.
♠I don't tell people's secrets.
♠I cannot go to the bathroom alone.
♠I sometimes cry during happy movies.
♠I hate the F word.
♠I don't regret anything I've done.
♠My mother scares me sometimes.
♠I smell my phone before I use it.
♠I like to jump in strangers pools.
♠I hate underwear.
♠I can tell you scary taco bell secrets.
♠I call boys yimha.
♠Sometimes I miss being young.
♠I Still believe Elvis is alive.
♠I don't believe in uniforms.
♠I like to push limits.
♠I fall going up steps.
♠At night I walk into the t.v.
♠I hate that people only do thing just because there frinds are.
♠I make fun of myself all of the time.
♠Even though I have my licence, I hate driving.
♠My hair is always changing colors.
This is just me!!!!♠
Anything I can Dance too. Rump Shakin music :)
Elvis Presley
The Blues Brothers
Dan In Real Life
Child Called It
Five People you Meet in Heaven
Mike Bucher