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About Me


Aboot Neurosonic:
Neurosonic emerged from the Vancouver rock scene, early 2006. As driven and unapologetic as the creator, the music of Neurosonic bears its own blend of fierce vigor. Neurosonic's blatant, brutally honest musings are an intense build of hard rock, industrial reinforcement, standout lyrics, and big, catchy, killer choruses.
Neurosonic's songwriter/producer, Jason Darr (lead vox/guitar) is the real deal: an uncompromising artist, determined to realize and relay his vision. Joining him in this journey are Troy Healy (guitar), Jacen Ekstrom (accompanying vox/ bass) and Shane Smith (drums) all are committed to the creation, performance and recording of visceral, powerful music. The manifestation of this is Neurosonic's, 2007 premier Bodog Music release, Drama Queen.
Drama Queen challenges the genre boundaries set up in today's rock scene. As aggressive and furious as a pop album could be the Neurosonic sound is a musical mutation like none other: Beatlesesque hooks assaulted with industrial rock Nine Inch Nails. Or My Chemical Romance theatrics merged with System Of A Down progressions. The lyrics written by Darr defy comparison. His hyper-intensity, torment and sarcasm are reflected in the songs. They connect with listeners, tired of piss-and-moan post grunge or “we're-so-cute“ pseudo-emo. Whether waging all out war on psycho chicks (“Crazy Sheila“), standing defiantly in the face of idiocy (“Until I Die”), or (“So Many People”) spitting venom at the pre-fab pop star machine Neurosonic remain true to them-selves, the music, and to their cult of loyal fans. Drama Queen says it the way Neurosonic fans feel it.
Night after night, tour after tour Neurosonic are guaranteed to deliver a face-caving show. Shane Smith punishes the drums, laying down with fierce vigor. Guitarist Troy Healy and bassist Jacen Ekstrom slash and burn the stage with charismatic force and unstoppable energy. As Jason Darr sings, sneers and screams, invading the audience headspace he becomes the puppet master to mesmerized crowds. Neurosonic demands and receives a powerful reaction from global audiences this show is the head butt after the handshake.
Neurosonic continuously promote their release Drama Queen internationally, with the support of Bodog Music – and Neurosonic fans.Other games Build your own gamesExtended Network Banner made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!

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