NAiMA was born on August 7th 1979 as a tuesday's child [hence, full of grace according to a popular nursery rhyme] and was diagnosed cystic fibrosis in her very early days. strong enough to survive her first two tough months of life, she easily grew fond of cats thanks to siamese cat miss who immediately sorta adopted little NAiMA. she attended neither a crêche nor a kindergarten but she easily stepped into primary school at age 6. popular quote of her childhood goes as following:
random adult: what do you wanna do when you grow up?
NAiMA: nothing.
in a couple of years she changed her mind, and started stating she wanted to be a comic artist when she'd grew up.
teachers in secondary school thought she was too good for an art school [to be pronounced as if you were chewing a moose shit... fucking morons] and they recommended a grammar school. she desperately obtained to attend a language high school in which she took both english and french. she was also studying piano.
during the second high school year she had her first depression and panic attacks. parents then let her take the art school instead. meanwhile, she quit piano lessons after 6 years, and started playing drums; then joined a cover band which split up after a couple of years. she then quit drums as well after 6 years.
a few months before turning 18, she dyed her hair blue for the first time.
art school diploma came in summer 1999 together with another personal crisis. she picked florence's fine art academy but it could have been anything else, as she knew she'd never come to the end. a few weeks before moving to florence her 20-year-old siamese cat miss died and she had a second nervous breakdown, despite she soon adopted a new cat, fuondling pippi.
she was seriously injuried in a car accident during year 2000. consequentially she moved back home from florence, which she couldn't cope with anyway, and got a job after several months of rehab and wild mood swings she never got rid of.
in the same year, she also joined gabaergica as a lead singer.
she left her job at the end of that very year, and entered the theater world as a stagehand, sceneshifter and such, then left again for a boring 9-to-5 desk job as a graphic designer and stuff.
she adopted siamese cat lella in 2002, and got zoe, another foundling, in 2004.
in 2006 she joined hell baron's wrath , a metal band, as a guest singer for their first album.
she also joined dilemma of nicole as lead singer on their second album.