Las Vegas Blogs - Las Vegas Stories
A new website Nick and I are starting to work on... Las Vegas Critics - Reviews of All Kinds
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Las Vegas Blogs - Las Vegas Stories
A new website Nick and I are starting to work on... Las Vegas Critics - Reviews of All Kinds
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acting, after effects, art, austin, cinema, cinema, css, deep conversations, directing, drupal, drupal groups, drupal theming, ducks, editing, film making, gardening, house, houston, las vegas, laughing, los angeles, mountains, nakedness, php, photography, high stakes poker, production, psychedelics research, san diego, screenwriting, snow skiing, travel, xhtml, bailing friends out of jail.
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Everything but country, but I even respect some of the classic country songwriting.. Cash, Nelson, Williams... Gimme a beat and my ass has a tendency to start shaking.
That's like asking a sushi chef what kind of fish he likes to eat. Movies are something of an obsession for me.
Lost. I'm a damned addict. I'm currently half way through with my 4th viewing of the first two seasons. Nuts, right? I mean I even read The Turn of the Screw(which will mean nothing to you unless you are also a fan) and Bad Twin. I'm eat up with it. I'd like to take a moment here to thank HBO for saving television from an untimely death. It was total shit until they started making well-written serials.
Anything by Irvine Welsh, Jeanette Winterson, Anne Rice, Hunter Thompson... anything good and creative. Lately I've been totally feeling "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell, non-fiction genius, it is... I'm a Lost junkie so lately I've read book tie-ins such as The Turn of the Screw (classic ghost story from the 19th century) and Bad Twin.
I don't believe in hero worship, but if there was one person whose life I've always respected it was John Lennon. I don't agree with all of his views, but for the most part he was on point.