Ali likes music. I'm trying to sort out my project - Tory Party Conference, although I think a name change may be in order - go to to witness the fitness
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Ornithology, librarianship, casual racism, swimming, squash, Navyness (Midshipman Price)
I'd like to meet Ian Brown. I'd maim his voicebox (more than it is already)
The Smiths Led Zeppelin The Cure Jeffrey Lewis Pink Floyd Jimi Hendrix Clor Tom Vek White Rose Movement The Young Knives Samuel Oliver Bear Joni Mitchell Arctic Monkeys Moldy Peaches
Almost Famous Jarhead
The Jeremy Kyle Show Cash in the Attic Time Team Top Gear MICHAEL PALIN
Tom Wolfe - The Bonfire of the Vanities Edmund White - A Boy's Own Story Derek Robinson - Piece of Cake Tons of others, the names of which I forget