A • R • I • E • S: The SexiestOutgoing. Lovable. Spontanious. Not one to fuck with. Erotic. Funny. Take you on trips to the moon in bed. Excellent kisser EXTREMELY sexy. Loves being in long relationships.=) Addictive. Loud. best in bed.. U ALREADI KNO!!
Click Here for Tons of codes&layoutsEvEr SiNCe KaNye came On ThA scENE.. IT hasnt beeN thA SaMe... HE bROught a NEw aIr to the GamE.. frOm THa FASHION 2 tha CrAKK musiKK.. sURE theres alot of PPL i would LUvv 2 MEET..(FOR EXAMPLE, pharrell,TK, N.E.R.D,the CLIPSE,lil WaYne)... but KaNYE Iz DefinItely up there..Oh AN JazMINe suLLiVan 2.. She WaS oN MAH PAgE 2..her shYt iS cRaKK!! ThE NeWEsT On ThE RnB tiP is AnThOnY DaViD.. HiS MusIc is iNspIRin oN all LEvElS..BUT B4 ALL DAT NEXT SHYT.. MAH HUBBY>>> MAX B <>