FUN LOVING PEOPLE! Body Modification- Industry Specialists and Enthusiasts. Maynard. HOTT Chubby Guys- YES... Im a chubby-chaser. Sexy Tattooed/ Pierced women and men!!! The Insane. Country Boyz. Hippies. The Abnormal. Punk-Rock Chicks. ROCK Singers (Yummm... I love me some vocals!) Freaks. Intellectual People. The Innocent. The Sinned. The Saved. and Everthing-in-between! MOST IMPORTANT of ALL...Drama-free people that have attainable goals and are making an effort to acheive them (PLEASE- use common sense and assume that I speak of PRODUCTIVE goals! Dont make me tell you "your a piece of shit with piece of shit aspirations"... cus I will not hesitate to do so, if you are taking up and wasting my time! Got too much to do to sugar-coat shit for the weak.)