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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a body modificaion artist from Michigan (in the Detroit area.) Although i currently refuse to do anything more than piercings and dermal anchors, i refeer to myself as much more because i have already proven within this industry that i am so much more than a "piercer!" Scarification is my current area of study and my main focus in this industry.I just moved to Virgina Beach, VA and have never been here before. I do not know people here. I just up and moved since i believe i have grown beyond my surrondings.I have alligator skin and i love to "talk shit." I am not to be taken literal most of the time. I extremely vulgar at heart... yet posess the ability to with- hold for the sake of being appropriate. I AM A CONTRADICTION BY NATURE! i love shock value. I have encountered a world of misfortunes and regret not a single one of them. I learn from my mistakes and strive to not re-live them. i have seen "rock-bottom" and am living proof that it is possible to survive (and be back on top!) I strive to be as versitile and diverse as possible since there is good to learn from all. I have a natural-eye for the negative. I take the bad with the good for most of lifes lessons are BETTER learned the hard way! Every day i grow stronger and more wise. I am hardly perfect but i, at least, know it. LIES ARE MY BIGGEST IRRITANT... for i am INTENSLY TRUTHFUL! i have been single for over 3 years and i am not looking for anything casual or serious (so please- friends is all im looking for)... i accomplish more when i am not destracted by others need-of-me, per i do not need people to validate me (only my accomplishments seem to do this for me.) I am hard-working and have been "doing me" for much longer than i have been single. I SUPPORT MYSELF AND MY OWN WAY. I have never been given any "hand-outs" and have acheived everything i got thru my own labor, will, dedication, education and drive. I HAVE A GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR (a lil raunchy- may not be sutiable for children) but i do not suggest conflicting with my goals- YOU WILL NOT WIN!I have very little time to "bull-shit around" with people who do not have goals of their own and are just trying to hold me back! So please save wasting your time and mine- if you have nothing that you are currently striving to do, with SERIOUS conviction to do it! Because I see little productivity to come from, hanging with someone that is doing nothing to better themself of their current situations (come-on NO ONE has a perfect life!!!)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

FUN LOVING PEOPLE! Body Modification- Industry Specialists and Enthusiasts. Maynard. HOTT Chubby Guys- YES... Im a chubby-chaser. Sexy Tattooed/ Pierced women and men!!! The Insane. Country Boyz. Hippies. The Abnormal. Punk-Rock Chicks. ROCK Singers (Yummm... I love me some vocals!) Freaks. Intellectual People. The Innocent. The Sinned. The Saved. and Everthing-in-between! MOST IMPORTANT of ALL...Drama-free people that have attainable goals and are making an effort to acheive them (PLEASE- use common sense and assume that I speak of PRODUCTIVE goals! Dont make me tell you "your a piece of shit with piece of shit aspirations"... cus I will not hesitate to do so, if you are taking up and wasting my time! Got too much to do to sugar-coat shit for the weak.)

My Blog

A poem for dennis!

blackness is what floods my heart as memories of you tear me apart. memories-of-the-man i once wanted to be how did this completely consume me? the things in me- i can no longer see the things of...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 21:59:00 GMT

2 year stupidity

ment to be misconcieved you defiled my trust mistaken a friendship that mounted to nothing more than LUST partial truths distorted facts create questions of another improving your chance insuring othe...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 23:18:00 GMT