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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Im a pizza addict. Give me a pizza and my day is made. I love coffee too and I describe my perfect coffee concoction as 5 in 1, that is, creamer, creamer, creamer, sugar and coffee. %D%A%D%AI am oftentimes corny, but I always find myself cute whenever I tend to be like that. %D%A%D%AI find reading very very interesting as well. Reading a good book is one of the most tranquil and relaxing moments of my day. It detaches me from the world of men and flies me to a whole new world full of excitement and spectacle. My best reads are Richard Paul Evans' The Christmas Box and Amy Tan's The Joyluck Club, to name a few. But the best would be Evans' The Carousel. It seems to slap me back to the reality of love. That no matter how two people love each other, sometimes the pull of the thread of love is no stronger than the pull of the thread of the things surrounding them: family, school, social responsibility, personal endeavors, and society as a whole. %D%A%D%AI abhor people who fabricate fake stories, and those who measure every thing through materiality. I despise those who are pretentious and insecure, and cringe to those who are merely superficial. They give humankind a bad stigma. %D%A%D?ut, I love those who know themselves well, their walls and limitations. Those who see people not as a material imagery, but as a personality and as creatures who deserve due respect. I am deeply fascinated by those who are nice, sensible and sensitive. They always give me hope to believe that humankind is good, after all.%D%A%D?nd I believe that anyone is no better nor worse than any other person. Only false perceptions may make you think otherwise.%D%A%D%AI believe in God too. In karma and eternity. In commitment and fidelity. In family. In friendship. %D%A%D?nd in the power of love to make you believe in all these things and to let you see that the world is a lot more beautiful than any of us ever thought.....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people who are cool and fun to be with..

My Blog

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