YoU kNoW aLL thE gIrlY thIngS thAt gIrLs dOBritt & Brookemy two loves!! i love these girls soo much..i can always count on them and i know they'll always have my back..they're the ones i always run to when my world comes crashing down..(yeah i'm kinda dramatic sometimes)and i just want to say thanks for being there for me..and i'm always here for you guysMikeythis guy always makes me laugh..between him, britt and brooke..they never stop..hes one guy i can talk fashion with..and he was always a good sport when us girls went out busting missions in bumfuk ;)My lovei don't know what to say..but that i've met my match..and that we've been through so much together..good times and bad..."..and even when you get on my last nerve, i can't see myself being with another.." ICameronmy heart & soul..he always amazes me..i still can't believe he use to be just a little peanut in my tummy..and now he's growing so fast..i love him soo much
- WhAt kInD of qUeSTiOn iS ThiS ...
PEOPLE...DuH..PrEfeRaBILiTy HoT gUyS..hEhe..jk.
Or aM i?..hAhAPop goes my heart!!
BUy yoU a DRiNk..STarS arE BLiNd..LIkE a bOY..iRReplaCEAbLe..4 iN thE MoRniNg.."KisS"...You KNow wHicH One i'm TalkINg bOUt brItT..mIke..BrookE n sHawN..hEhE...mY liL kOreaN sONg..
..ThE otHEr sIstEr..sCArFAce..tHe goOd fELLaz..musiC & LyRIcs..and i CAn'T foRgEt PeTer PaN..
..SpOnGeBobSQuArEpaNtS..FriEnDs..SeiNfEiLd..sOuth pArK..
EtHaN FrOmE..a TaLe Of TwO cItiEs..tHe cHoColAtE wAr...ThE cOuNt Of mOntE cRisTO..
UmM..I NeVa tHoUghT bOut It..I gueSs i WouLd hAve to sAy mY heRos aRe mY dAdDy aND MoMmY