**yaknouluvme** profile picture


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About Me

HmM wHeRe dO I sTaRt...I'm SucH a DOrkuS..I lOVe to MeSs ARoUnD aNd YeLL @ sTRanGeRS aS We DrIve PaSs, wIth BrItt ANd BRoOkE..GOinG shOpPiN At thE sUpERmAkEt WhILe GOiN LonG, CaTchIN thE HOt dOg PaSs Wit My BEbe n MiKEy...LiStEn tO BrOoKe anD BriTt gAg EveRy 5MiN...aNd wAtChiN Our ManLy MEn PrEpaRe ThE fIre WOoD For THe BAcKyaRd bOnfIReZ anD bBQz...TaKin RoManTic StrOLLz WitH bRoOke As We StuMbLe ovEr sPeEd BuMpz cOming BACk fRoM BLuE HAwAiI..I'm AlSo SeRioUS..I'm GOiNg INtO SkoOl In THe FaLL tO MaJoR iN FaShIoN DeSiGn..YEy FIDM rOX!!buT iN tHe mEAn tIme i wOrk At tHiS LiTtLe kIk AsS REsTuRanT, KiNGz hAwAiIn..WheRe aLl THe KuTE GrLZ aND GuYZ RoK thE aLOhA shIrts!!! I hAvE my LoVEy DOvEY SiDE tOo..MoSt of thE tIMe I SpEnD wiTh my LiL fAKeAsS..My HoNeY..gOin To IkeA tO BeD sHop..gOin to tHE bLock oR RidiNg thE fAIRis WhEeL aT tHe SpEctRuM..aNd GoINg cAmPiN TogEthER WitH BrItT n MIkEy!! thAT wAs thE BEsT..WhO Ever dId wiN thE rOcK thE teNT cOntEsT? cAn't waIt for MIsSioN No.2!!!OuR NeW yEaRs tRiP to vEgaS!! 3 ChiLLax dAys aNd 2 wILd nIghTs...ThaT is gOIng to BE a BlaSt...juSt thE clOsEts frIenDs anD my fAtboY..HaHA..i MeAn JiZ..We PrAcTicALy lIVE wItH EacH otHer..WeN DO yOu EveR rEaLLy SeE us ApaRT..LoVE YoU BubU!! So BaSiCally In a NuT SheLL..I'm PReTtY mUCh aN AwSoMe LiL ChIk..IsN't ThaT rIte CHInKy?!found this tennaya layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments

My Interests

YoU kNoW aLL thE gIrlY thIngS thAt gIrLs dOBritt & Brookemy two loves!! i love these girls soo much..i can always count on them and i know they'll always have my back..they're the ones i always run to when my world comes crashing down..(yeah i'm kinda dramatic sometimes)and i just want to say thanks for being there for me..and i'm always here for you guysMikeythis guy always makes me laugh..between him, britt and brooke..they never stop..hes one guy i can talk fashion with..and he was always a good sport when us girls went out busting missions in bumfuk ;)My lovei don't know what to say..but that i've met my match..and that we've been through so much together..good times and bad..."..and even when you get on my last nerve, i can't see myself being with another.." ICameronmy heart & soul..he always amazes me..i still can't believe he use to be just a little peanut in my tummy..and now he's growing so fast..i love him soo much

I'd like to meet:

- WhAt kInD of qUeSTiOn iS ThiS ... PEOPLE...DuH..PrEfeRaBILiTy HoT gUyS..hEhe..jk. Or aM i?..hAhAPop goes my heart!!


BUy yoU a DRiNk..STarS arE BLiNd..LIkE a bOY..iRReplaCEAbLe..4 iN thE MoRniNg.."KisS"...You KNow wHicH One i'm TalkINg bOUt brItT..mIke..BrookE n sHawN..hEhE...mY liL kOreaN sONg..


..ThE otHEr sIstEr..sCArFAce..tHe goOd fELLaz..musiC & LyRIcs..and i CAn'T foRgEt PeTer PaN..


..SpOnGeBobSQuArEpaNtS..FriEnDs..SeiNfEiLd..sOuth pArK..


EtHaN FrOmE..a TaLe Of TwO cItiEs..tHe cHoColAtE wAr...ThE cOuNt Of mOntE cRisTO..


UmM..I NeVa tHoUghT bOut It..I gueSs i WouLd hAve to sAy mY heRos aRe mY dAdDy aND MoMmY

My Blog


I can't believe it...my son is ONE!! Yeah "my son" like i've gotten use to that phrase yet...and before i knew it..he's grown from a little peanut in my tummy to this big boy..walking..running..laughi...
Posted by **yaknouluvme** on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 11:26:00 PST

mE, MySeLf aNd I THaT's aLL I GoT iN tHe eNd~iS iT rOgEr?

Me, Myself and I All the ladies if you feel me, help me sing it now... I can't believe i believed Everything we had would last So young and naive for me to think She was from your past Sill...
Posted by **yaknouluvme** on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

HoW cOme...

how come it it how come is it that hes verything i need..but for some reason he can't be...how come is it..how come is it that hes everything to me...but for some reason he can't be...the one that i n...
Posted by **yaknouluvme** on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST