grudge city hardcore profile picture

grudge city hardcore

stand up and be counted...

About Me

this is a call to all inhabitants of the salt lake area who claim to support hardcore music. it seems today that many of you have forgotten how lucky we have become to be able to attend a few shows a week. years ago we were lucky to have a show every four months. few realize how awesome it is to have actual HARDCORE KIDS booking HARDCORE SHOWS, as appose to some shitty club owner who only wants to peddle booze and could give a shit less if hardcore in utah dies out. in the last few months the number of kids who go to shows has seriously dropped. though few kids are showing up to shows these days many of you still claim to care. far too many of you bitch and moan about how hardcore is dying, how hardcore means so much, and so on and so forth, yet dont go to shows. many of those same kids were among the many who complained about there being a complete lack of bands coming through...well were the fuck are you now.this is not about hostility, this is about reaching out to everyone to take the time to support something they claim to love.but hey, maybe you dont claim to love hardcore, maybe your just into the bands who are the pick of the week as far as hardcore is concerned. if thats the case you more than any should try coming out once in a while to shows though your favorite band isnt playing. this is where those bands came from. this is where they started, at real shows, with real kids who care about something.again, this isnt about hostility, this is because we care. everyone is welcome, that is what hardcore music is about, new people sharing show up, be counted, what the fuck else are you doing most nights. put off buying that new hat and drop a few dollars at the door to help support real kids trying their hardest to bring great music through our state. try stopping buy and helping out a touring band that isnt as big as bleeding through or as i lay dying who you may think is just as good and have no idea existed...after all, theres no way youve heard longer will you have the excuss of "i didnt know there was a show last night." its now on you...get off the computer and make your mark.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

anyone interested in supporting hardcore music in utah.

Cherem: River Runs Fucking Red

Cool Your Jets: Intro/Saving Grace


Current Bands:

Cool Your Jets
City to City
Gloves Off
Killed By Death

Fallen Heroes:

78 Days After Death
Aftermath of a Trainwreck
Skeiff d' Bargg
Up River

Local Labels:

Old News Records:

Pumpin' out classic, unreleased jams from Grudge City greats the likes of 78 Days After Death and Opened Up

Outline Records:

Cherem, Tamerlane, Set It Straight!

My Blog

grudge city hardcore message board/forum...

GCHC message boardhttp://gchc.8.forumer.comcheck it out for show info, questions, and other pointless bullshit.
Posted by grudge city hardcore on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 12:00:00 PST

aftermath video

..Free video hosting, video codes at
Posted by grudge city hardcore on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 05:04:00 PST

cherem video

..Free video hosting, video codes at
Posted by grudge city hardcore on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 05:15:00 PST

in regards to bring it down...keep responses civil.

ive been hearing alot of complaining about the events that took place at bring it downs last show, and i think its time to set thinggs straight. before i start let me say i was not there, and i dont k...
Posted by grudge city hardcore on Sun, 30 Oct 2005 12:24:00 PST

in regards to the lo-fi cafe

this page was created solely to promote actual hardcore shows in utah, namely salt lake city. as the moderator ive noticed that 95% of the kids who have added this page dont go to actual hardcore sho...
Posted by grudge city hardcore on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

so says cherem...

What is hardcore? Today this word is literally indescribable. Hardcore is not about hate or fun or friendship, it's not about unity or spreading a message, it's not really about anything any more. For...
Posted by grudge city hardcore on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST