..BaSKETbaLL, FootBALL, FasT CaRs, WoMeN (minus tHe DraMa aND tHe BuLLsHiT), cOOKinG, a GooD WorKOuT, BodYBuiLDinG, PaintBALLing, HiKinG, PARTying, DriNKinG, CluBbing, BiLLiaRdS, MuSIC, MoVIes, MotOrCYcLeS, DraWiNg, DraFtiNg, HanGIng out w/ Friends, ChiLLin aT tHe BeaCH, SnoRKeLiNg, BaRBeCuiNG, caLL oF DuTy w/ tHe BoYs, TexaS HoLd'eM, LRG, EcKo aPPaReL aNd NiKe KicKS, .. ShoPPiNg, EbaYiNg, StrOLLiNg, TattOOs, SaViNg LiveS, maKiNG a DiFFeReNcE, HeLpiNg PeoPLe, BeDrOOm oLyMPicS, CuDDlinG, StaR GaZiNG, BoaT TriPs, TraVeLiNG, SpReaDiNg ThE Love, MaKiNg MoNeY....... SpeNDinG MoNEY!!
NO HooDRaTs, ChiCkeNHeaDs aNd DuMB ChicKs PleaSe!!..Get Your Own! | View Slideshow....
** ThE OriGiNaL LXG cReW...
The Greatest Of All Time
..>> mY NeW WhiP <<
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I listen to a little bit of everything. I mainly listen to IsLaNd/ReGGaE, Hip Hop, Rap, alternative, Rock, POP. Basically any music with beats I can bob my head to and lyrics that I can relate to. Here are my FavoRiTeS: BoB MaRLeY, OutKast, Notorious BIG., Tupac, Jay Z, NepTunes, Wu-Tang Clan, KaNyE WesT, Timbaland, Missy Elliot, Lil' Jon, Usher, WreXXShoP DJ's, 112, Jagged Edge, Third Eye Blind, Dave Matthews Band, KoRn, D.U.B., KaYa, 311, Maroon 5, Blink 182, NicKeLBacK, Dashboard Confessionals, SOJA, Jr. GoNG, FIJI, ThREE pLUS, MaTiSYaHu, SliGhTLy StOOpiD ..........
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CSI, Law & Order, SmaLLville, ER, SportsCenter, HoW I MeT yOuR MoTheR, tHe ContenDeR, the UlTiMate FiGhteR, MiaMi InK, tWo aNd a HaLf MeN, HoUSe, ScRubS, GreY'S AnATomY, LoSt, FrIENdS, SNL, MaD TV, IrON CheF, GooD EaTS, OVeRHaULiN', BoY MeeTs WorLD, UnToLD SToRieS of ThE ER, TLC, DisCoVeRY.
.. ChiCkeN SouP BooKs I ReaD mOre MaGaZinEs: Sports Illustrated, SLaM, Import Tuner, MaxiM, FHM, CompLeX, SuPer STReet, MeN'S FiTNeSS, AXL, and Marine Corps. Drive.
mOm, dAd, Jesus, GOD, Virgin Mary, St. Michael.. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the hour of battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil, May God restrain him we humbly pray and do Thou O Prince of the Heavenly Court, by the Power of God cast into hell, satan and all the other evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen"And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragin; and the dragon and his angels fought" Revelation 12:7