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About Me

data="" I strive for enthusiasm, optimism, and always up for a challenge. Grew up in the Big Sky States of Montana and Wyoming. I moved to San Diego after high school, hey why not it's Diego. Go Chargers , and now I'm living in Phoenix, AZ
There isn't a better place to spend your college years then San Diego, what a blast. Some how I was able to pick up a B.S. degree and snag over a 1000 hours of flight time, all within the 4-yr plan .
I barely made the ceremony, only guy there in board shorts and sandals, straight in from the beach with the family. Some how the oceanside BBQ with Friends and Family seem to be a higher priority, uhm imagine that.
During this time I was introduced to the world of small venue live music, up and coming stars. Around this time period is when MUSIC became a larger part of my life.
Time to move = forward with my career. I decided to move onto becoming an air ambulance pilot, from being a flight instructor during my college days. This led me to the state of Arizona. Holy - Hotness, but what a fun state.
I was even able to pull off four solid days of snowboarding last season in AZ. Yes, I did say AZ, eastern part of Arizona has some good boarding, limited times of course.

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