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Animations - Animated Graphics for Myspace, Hi5, Orkut
Myspace Comments, Hi5 & Friendster graphics: CoolMyspaceComments.com
Glitter Graphics & Comments is to nevre be a lon in thes wold i see a lot of my frins on her that i hold der to my hort and thay or on my 40 frinds lest i cer for them a lot and i dont like seey them sad a lon it brake my hort to see them like that so i triy to dow wut i can to make them fell bettre be cus it make me happey wen i see them happey and well me my gol in life and drem is to find my trow love most defulently a chines wumen that my frinds is my big gol in life i sume day wunt to have a famuly weth her and gev her and my sheldren wut i have never hade and make shor thay or all was happey and gev them a nice famuly that cers and i now wen i find her i well tret her like gold and like she has never ben treded be for it is how i am and i like bey thes way and triy to gev her ever than she ever wunted even or chiel and it dont matre to me if she has a cid all redy i wood tret hem or hor like thay wor my on and make shor that thay hade a wundr foll life and a happey 1 as well i wood gev them wut i never had in life love happeynes and a rell famuly that cers i no how ever reds thes thay wont belev me but i dont cer wut i put on he i no in my hort that all i sed came from the horet and i well all was hold to thes and never let it go my godes of fier
Myspace Fantasy