Myspace Layouts Well I can't really say I have any unique interests. I like pretty much what you like (unless you're one of those crazy messed up stalker guys of course-hehe).
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Hmmm...If there would be one person i would like to meet, I would have to say it would have to be Angelica Huston. I LOVE ME SOME ANGELICA HUSTON!!!
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My favorite band has to be (and I know that this may be one of those things I will get online hazing from) Hawthorne Heights. I also like Matt Kearney and Damien Rice. Check out this video: back in your head
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Mists of Avalon is my favorite (of course it has Angelica Huston in it).
Don't really watch. I prefer to read since the telly gets all the good stuff twisted anywho.
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My Side Of The Story! it's the f'in shizzle!
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I have lots of heroes. I find a hero in every person I meet. But I have to say my biggest hero would have to be my grandmother who passed away one day after my birthday (RIP)of lung cancer.
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