*LIFE UNDER WARRANTY* profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Myspace Layouts I am an 18 year old gay male from jefferson city mo. i enjoy taking road trips, listening to music, singing, chillin with my roomies, and spending time with my beloved! i also love to talk on myspace so send me a message or e-mail me at: [email protected]. but just remember im taken so no funny business...lol!
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My Interests

Myspace Layouts Well I can't really say I have any unique interests. I like pretty much what you like (unless you're one of those crazy messed up stalker guys of course-hehe).
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I'd like to meet:

Hmmm...If there would be one person i would like to meet, I would have to say it would have to be Angelica Huston. I LOVE ME SOME ANGELICA HUSTON!!!
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My favorite band has to be (and I know that this may be one of those things I will get online hazing from) Hawthorne Heights. I also like Matt Kearney and Damien Rice. Check out this video: back in your head


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Mists of Avalon is my favorite (of course it has Angelica Huston in it).


Don't really watch. I prefer to read since the telly gets all the good stuff twisted anywho.
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My Side Of The Story! it's the f'in shizzle!
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I have lots of heroes. I find a hero in every person I meet. But I have to say my biggest hero would have to be my grandmother who passed away one day after my birthday (RIP)of lung cancer.
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My Blog


Let me start off by just telling you exactly how short life is...TOO SHORT...and its full of chances and choices...in my case my life is nothing but chances...i never seem to have enough choices and w...
Posted by *LIFE UNDER WARRANTY* on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 02:39:00 PST


most people dont believe in a happily ever after because it never comes...well i can change all their beliefs in this one blog...i have actually found my happily ever after...i have met "the one"...hi...
Posted by *LIFE UNDER WARRANTY* on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 09:36:00 PST


so i was looking through my boyfriends profile and browsing his comments when low and behold if i didnt find his ex right there on the comment list...i was PISSED...so i simply message this dude and t...
Posted by *LIFE UNDER WARRANTY* on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 08:19:00 PST


well so on frida i went out with this guy i had never met before...all i knew was his age, what he looked like, and that he was a boy...at first i was going to cancel the date completely because i was...
Posted by *LIFE UNDER WARRANTY* on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 09:28:00 PST

here goes nothing.....

okay so im not quite sure if any of you have really read about my new modeling frenzy but i would like you all to know this...i fully intend to stick with it...those of you that know me know my proble...
Posted by *LIFE UNDER WARRANTY* on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 07:44:00 PST


so i took a little trip to k-mart last night to go see my room mate alysse and youll never believe who was working...YEP...Shaun. he told me when he broke up with me he was moving to illinois with his...
Posted by *LIFE UNDER WARRANTY* on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 07:51:00 PST


okay so here goes...i havent really had any time to post blogs so i thought i might let those of you that dont know whats going on what actually is up with me lately...okay so i am totally having a me...
Posted by *LIFE UNDER WARRANTY* on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 07:45:00 PST


So my BF and i are finally broken up...its finally happened! and to think I WAS RIGHT! his family DID come between us in the end! message me to find out more!
Posted by *LIFE UNDER WARRANTY* on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 11:02:00 PST